Chapter Thirty

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        Colby woke up in Brennen's bed. He was alone which almost made him panicked so he quickly looked under the covers. Thanked god he was still dressed. Then he heard chuckling from the corner of the room.

       "Luv, I carried you into bed because you fell asleep while we were watching the movie. Don't worry, I did not touch you without your permission. Anyways, don't you need to be home? Won't Sam be mad at you?" Brennen grinned.

      Colby looked at the alarm clock and it was already eleven. "Let him be..I don't care what he has to say anymore" He sighed and sat up on the bed.

     "Are you guys fighting? What's wrong?" Brennen did sound concerned this time but Colby did not have the energy to explain everything right now.

     He walked over to Brennen who was sitting on a sofa and straddled him. "Hmm...why does this handsome lovebird care if I had a fight with my best friend? Wasn't a fight would do him quite a favor?" Colby said in a husky voice.

      Brennen leaned in and pecked him on his lips. "Because Colby, this is not healthy. Subtle disagreements were fine and all but a fight? That's not good for you guys relationship. What was it about anyway?" His tone was slow and caring.

Colby narrowed his eyes and got off. No amount of distracting would work. "You. Well,you were the main issue then it followed to..something. I don't care if it's bad, Brennen. I'm sick and tired of us acting like this but he started it...".

"Do you realize that you are acting like a child right now? If he started it, then you should be the one who would be ending it. Can't you see Colby? This would mean the end of Solby if you keep this going..." Brennen crossed his arms.

"I just don't understand why you would care. My problems are mine to worry, not yours. I swear Bren, keep this up and I'm going" Colby said sharply.

"I'm just stating facts, Colby. I might don't like your friendship with Sam, hell can't say I'll ever like it, but I don't want you to be broken if it ends. You guy grew up with each-" Brennen didn't finish that sentence because Colby cut him off.

"Stop. Just stop. That's it, I'm leaving. Find someone else for you to mess around with tonight or for other nights until I feel like coming back. Maybe I'll mess around with Samuel. Goodbye, Brennen" Colby snapped and walked out the door but Brennen ran after him.

"Okay, fine..I'll stop but please don't go" Brennen grabbed his hand when he reached the front door of the apartment.

"Too late for that, don't you think?" Colby narrowed his eyes.

Brennen made an annoyed sound and pulled Colby roughly towards him which resulted in their lips being smashed together. He asked for access but Colby didn't want to give him the satisfaction so he bit Colby's lower lip. Colby gasped and Brennen took the advantage of slipping his tongue in and explore the younger boy's mouth.

When he pulled away, he was satisfied to see Colby's lips were a little bit red. That should teach the guy some lesson to not try to walk away and sulk. He was still holding Colby's hand tightly and when Colby finally came out of it, he pulled his hand away.

"I'm still going. You can't get me to forgive you just like that. I am not that easy" Colby glared at him and walked out of the door.

Suddenly, an idea came to his head. He should do something about the situation at hand. A party with only his close friends and Colbys' should do the trick. He grinned and picked up the phone to call his very dear friend, Elton Castee.

Something More ~ Brolbyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن