Chapter One

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"I don't know about this..." Colby's mother said with an unsure tone in her voice.

It was Sunday morning, Colby and his parents are sitting in their dining room after having breakfast. His mother wanted them to have breakfast at home instead of at restaurants seperately today which cleared the cue just right for Colby to break the news.

"Mum, please. I really need to do this" Colby stated honestly. 

It was true. Sam and him really need to move to Los Angeles to actually kickstart their channel. They were planning to do that since they started their Vine career a few years back. All those hardworks for their short videos to the point getting banned from a mall because of that escalator issue.

It had come to the point that he would run down the street naked if he has to. All he needed was an approval from his parents. He knew it was a stupid and impulsive proposal, asking to move out to LA suddenly with just his best friend was sort of a stretch. But hey, a guy can dream, right?

"Honey, please tell him that I don't want him to go" She whispered to his father. 

Colby didn't really see the point of her doing that because he could hear her clearly. He was literally sitting a beside them, they didnt really have a big house so even their dining table was a bit small in size but it was enough to get by.

Colby's dad shrugged. "I think it's a good start for him. He's mature enough to live in California alone with Sam. Besides, we had already knew Sam in years, I'm sure they'll be fine".

His mother's eyes grew wide and her hand hit his father's arm. "Of course you would side with him. You had always been his favourite" She rolled her eyes in a joking manner.

Colby's cheeks went red at that statement. He couldn't disagree because he was really close to his dad back in the days. He'd always remember those days he spent fishing with his father and learning how to ride a bike with him at night. Unfortunately, it had changed when high school started and stuff happened.

"I'm not taking sides. I'm just stating the truth and it's a fact".

 He turned to Colby and asked "Do you already have an apartment? What about your pocket money? What will you do when it runs out?".

Colby knew those questions will be ask but luckily, he came prepared. "Yes, Sam had managed to find an apartment. For the money, we'll use our savings and try to find a job but the both of us are hoping our social media accounts would help a bit too".

He watched as his father nodded in approval. "Okay then, you have my permission. Take good care of yourself okay?".

"Thank you dad. Mum?" Colby waited for his mother to make a decision with his best puppy eyess he could ever master.

She sighed deeply as she stacked up all the plates to bring them to the dishwasher. "Okay fine. I want you to be happy and if moving to LA can do that then you can go".

Colby's blue ocean eyes lit up and his lips form into a grin. There was no point to keep his excitement away from his parents. He hugged both of them tightly in gratitude. The truth is, he knew from the start that they would approve of it. They were never that strict, just a little bit concerned for his safety.

Colby gave his mother a soft peck on the cheek because she was the hardest to win over. He knew his mother was just a little bit worried, she trusted him obviously but it was just motherly behaviour.

"Sam told me that our flight will leave in three days-shit" Colby cursed under his breath. 

He shouldn't have that slip. Sam had specifically told him beforehand not to say anything about the bought tickets to their parents as it might delay their trip. Oh shit, Sam is going to kill his ass.

"Cole Robert Brock! You boys had already bought the tickets?! Even before you actually asked for our permission? Teenagers these days..." She stomped her way into the kitchen, leaving Colby and his dad bursting out laughing.


"They said yes!" Colby yelled excitedly and did a lil bouncy dance.

After the talk with his parents, Sam had called him asking to meet up at their usual spot. He wanted to celebrate this milestone together. One of the quirky parts of the whole thing is that both of them planned to ask the permission at the same time after brekfast that day.

He didn't even bother to hide his excitement from Sam because they had been planning this trip for weeks, getting an apartment was lowkey the hardest part out of other preparations. They had went on a trip to California in the beginning of the year just to look around and it sure did paid off.

"Mine too!" Sam was clearly as excited as he was.

Years of planning will finally come to light. One step closer to their dream. Just two boys from Kansas trying to make it big.

"Oh my god. I can't wait" Colby almost bounced on his seat but he strained himself on doing so.

"You're just excited because you can finally meet him.." Sam teased.

Colby might not notice it, but Sam noticed the countless amount of times the guy opened that specific profile account, either on instagram or youtube. The countless smiles that managed to break onto his face when the guy posted a new post or a new video.

"Wait, who and what are you talking about?" Colby paused. 

Sam shook his head with a small grin. He didn't meant anything by it. He was just teasing Colby for a bit. Obviously Colby was just checking it out with no other intention.

"Oh no one really. Don't forget to pack your bag" Sam said shrugging the topic off.

Colby was completely unamused so he pushed on the topic a little bit more. Sam do not get to tease him and completely leave him in the dark without explaining anything when he's confused. He has no idea what Sam is talking about.

Or wait. Maybe he does.

"Are you talking about Brennen Taylor? Oh c'mon, just because I checked out his page doesn't mean I like him and besides I told you already that I like girls" Colby rolled his eyes but laughed regardless.

Sam laughed. Colby was thinking about what he said a little bit too much. He really was just joking about the whole thing, it was nice to make his friend laugh once in a while. He lost that part of Colby a little bit in the past and he will not lose him ever again.

Mark his words.

"Okay then. Whatever you say Colby" Sam finishes off his drink and threw the empty soda cup into the garbage bin. Colby followed his action but missed a few milicentimeters to the left.

"Oh man, you just gotta show off huh" Colby stucked his tongue out before he grabbed his backpack from the chair he was sitting on earlier.

"Hey, don't blame the pro shooter" Sam chuckled.

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