Chapter Thirty-One

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Colby's POV

I drove home while my head was crowded with emotions. I don't hate him but I want to at that moment. He didn't own me but he sure acted like it. I was not his property and I hoped to god he knew that. I wanted to scream. This was not good for my mental health.

Why did I threw myself on him last night and today? That was not me. I wouldn't have done those things..well, my old self wouldn't. Day by day, I am realizing that every single thing Sam and Caroline said were true..


I gasped. I blinked rapidly and shook my head repeatedly. I got off the elevator and took deep breaths as I continued my walk towards our apartment. When I got to our door, it was locked so I unlocked it using my key without really giving much of a thought about it.

"Oh-oh shit. Sorry I interrupted you guys.." I said as soon as I saw Sam and Kat on the sofa, making out. They were in a really awkward position and I was just standing there because I didn't know what to do and how to react.

Sam got off of Kat and he gave me an apologetic look. "No no no, we're sorry..Umm, Kat? can you go to my room? I'll be right over" Sam said.

"Sure, uh hey Colbs" Kat nodded and dissapeared into the room.

"Seriously? It's in the morning-you know what, nevermind" I started to head off towards my room when he stopped me.

"Wait. Colby, about yesterday..." Sam trailed off and I gave up.

"Look, forget it. Forget everything I said..I'm sorry Sam. I'm at fault here okay? I should stop being a bitch and just listen to your advise. Now please, go do..whatever you need to do" I smiled at him and practically ran into my room.

I lied down on my bed. Felt like forever since I slept in it. Guess there was some truth to that. I closed my eyes and imagined me and Brennen being in the position Sam and Kat were. They were intimate with each other. But then my mind took me somewhere else.

I flinched as I watched the blood washed down the shower drain. The blade was beside me,soaked in my blood and I was still in my clothes. I didn't bother taking it off. The pain as I pressed the blade in was unbearable but I craved it. I wanted to feel something again that day. He triggered it. Him. What he did was scarring and no one did a thing. Not one of my so called friends did anything. I felt my tears rolled down my face. I'm not good enough. I should-

I snapped out of it when my phone rang. I groaned and picked it up. Much to my dismay, Brennen was on the other side of the line.

"Colby? I'm surprised you picked up" I could almost see him grinning from here.

"I'm quite surprised I did. What do you want Brennen Taylor" I snarled but my voice sounded groggy like I've been crying. I raised up my hand and touched my cheek. Sure enough, it was wet.

"Have you been crying?" Brennen said. He was suddenly alarmed. I chuckled to myself. A fake one of course.

"What do you care. Just answer the goddamn question Brennen or I'll hung up on you" I rolled my eyes as I stood and examined myself in the mirror.

"Because you're my b- because I just care about what happen to you, okay? I called because I wanted to tell you that my friend is hosting a party and he wants you and your clique to come and join us. No exceptions" Brennen almost said something but he held himself from slipping.

I gave it a long thought and decided to join. Sam and the others could be arranged later. "Okay fine, when?".

Hi Angels ! I really hope you like the chapter. You got to read a glimpse of Colby's past and believe me when I say I hate myself for writing it. I bet you guys have a lot of questions like

Who's Him? Was Brennen falling deeper for Colby? Will Colby survived his demons who know haunts him?

Vote and Comment, Angels.

Something More ~ Brolbyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें