Chapter Forty

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Colby and Brennen stared at each other for a while in silence. They both took in the other presence quietly.

Colby was scared to meet Brennen because he feared that he would break. Added the fact that he didn't want him to know about his relapse. He also didn't want to answer questions. That was why he had avoided the guy for weeks.

But now, standing right in front of him. It made his heart raced and his knees weak. All he wanted to do was just kiss the living crap out of Brennen but he knows he can't do that.

Not if he wants his heart to break twice.

"You really did came" Brennen broke the suffocating silence.

"Uh, I don't really have much of a choice. This is my room remember? I lived here now.." Colby chuckled nervously.

"Haha, okay okay fine. I'd gave you that" Brennen grinned.

Colby chuckled softly but then tried his best by looking away. Avoiding those two emerald coloured green eyes that might have the possibility to make him fall again.



"Do you hate me? Honest"

Colby finally sat down weakly on the bed and he didn't comment when Brennen sat beside him but with a carefully measured distance.

"N-no..Brennen. I don't hate you. I never did and never will. You know I could never hate the one I loved. Yes, it did hurt to let you go but you deserved someone much much more better than I am. You can literally have anyone but me and I hope you're okay with that..." Colby sighed. He did it. He admitted that he loved Brennen.

Brennen gripped onto Colby's left wrist tightly. He shifted in his seat and made Colby looked at him. He wanted to make sure the younger guy stared into his eyes when he said it.

"You really don't understand, don't you? I don't want anyone else but you Colby Brock"

"I bet you say that to everyone. I'm sorry Bren..I just can't. It's for your own good anyways"

"What do you mean for my own good?"

"It'd be easy if you just stay away from me. I'm the person everyone warns about Bren"

Brennen groaned and pushed Colby onto the bed then he crashed his lips against his. He had waited too long for this, he craved it. Colby tried to move away but his struggles were thrown to waste because Brennen had trapped Colby in a small cage under him.

A moment later, Colby finally gave in into the kiss. Maybe a day wouldn't break him as much. Being with Brennen didn't actually only hurt him but it was also a way for him to feel like all his problems had melted away.

Brennen started to trace Colby's tiny abs up and down with his finger slowly. His crotch was rubbed against Colby's over their jeans and his mouth was still attached to the other one. It was really turning both of them on. They literally made out for probably minutes but not either one of them pulled away to take a breath.

"Fuck everyone then"

Brennen hissed and pulled away. The second his lips were gone, Colby had already started to miss them. They both stayed in that position without moving a single muscle.

"Maybe I like the idea..but seriously though Bren..."

"I am serious. I won't let you go" Brennen kissed Colby's forehead before getting off and making the decision to lay next to him.

Colby didn't give a response. He had heard that many times before to actually believe it. He wanted to shut his eyes and never let this memory go because he know that Bren will let him go the minute he realised how broken he was.

"Why can't you just listen to me when I say that we can't be together.." Colby whispered quietly. He turned his head to look at Brennen. A gesture that the other guy followed.

"Why Colby? I need a concrete reason"

"You're going to regret it one day"

Silence once again settled in between them but this time, no one tried to break it. The room was already starting to get dark due to the sun setting. Laying beside each other on the bed, their eyes slowly closed and both of them dozed off into sleep.

Colby stirred awake a couple of hours later and sat up on the bed. He turned to see Bren still asleep beside him. Funny, he had been really sure that the older guy would leave him.

He sighed and searched for his phone to find it in his jeans. He turned the phone back on and saw that he had a message from the caller that called him that afternoon.

From : IGNORE 💀
For : Colby Brock

I want to talk. Back at my place. Think u can fly back?

Colby took in a deep breath and left it at seen. Well that's that, guess he need to fly back to Kansas. This conversation was one that he really needed anyways. It'd actually helped when that person reached out first. So he didn't really have a problem with it.

"I need to tell Sam about this" Colby said mostly to himself.

"Tell me what exactly?" Sam suddenly appeared at the door.

"I uh-we need to have a talk"


"Sam..I have to go back home. There are things that I need to clear out, to settle before completely closing my chapter"

"Yeah sure, I have no problem with that. Go do what you need to do. But umm...closing your chapter? What the hell does that supposed to mean?"

"I think you damn well know what it means"

"Fuck Colby, if it's what I think it is..don't you dare go through with it"

"I don't know Sam..I'm not even sure yet. I kept on thinking back about what you said the other day"

"I still mean it you know..I don't care if you'll hate me if it means that I could save you"

Colby sighed. He loved Sam even if he never or more like rarely show it at all. Putting aside all of the things that had happened between them, his best friend was still here fighting for him. He really really did not want to hurt his other half.

"I still have one more thing to ask you"

"What is it Colby?"

"One day..when I actually break to the point where I can't go on anymore, I want to ask your help. I want you to tell him. Tell him everything..from the beginning. I can't do it myself"

Colby turned his head and glanced over at the guy that was sleeping on his bed. His heart ached but warmed at the same time. Weird, he couldn't really explain it.

"Also..tell him that I love him. So so much. I'd let him drive a wooden stake through my heart ya know. He could be my savior if he knew what was going on. My heart belongs completely to him and you"

Colby almost let out a tear after he finished. He looked at Sam for any sort of response. Nothing happened and he was slowly giving up hope, Sam suddenly hugged him. He rested his chin on Colby's right shoulder.

"I might not like this whatsoever but I'll do it. I'll tell him everything. You have my word" Sam muttered softly.

Colby smiled sadly and returned the hug. He wrapped his arms around Sam's waist. He didn't want this to end.

"I just don't want to lose you Cole.."

Sam whispered softly that it was barely audible. That was when Colby realised that his best friend was letting out quiet sobs.

He tightened the hug. They weren't sure how long they stayed like that but one thing both of them could agree on. That night changed both of them a little.

Suddenly.. they remembered why they had became best friends in the first place.

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