"Why do we have to study the occlu-thing?" Harry asks, looking somewhat panicked with his eyes wide. I know he must be thinking about how Mad Eye thought we were being possessed, but Ginny has proved well enough that we aren't.

"Because the Headmaster thinks it a good idea." Snape answers simply, still frowning. "The two of you will be receiving private lessons once a week, and you are not to tell anybody, least of all Delores Umbridge, do you understand?"

"Yes." We answer, nodding in sync.

"Who's going to be teaching us?" I ask curiously.

"I am." Snape answers simply. My heart feels like it drops to my stomach, all hope for these Occlumency classes being bearable evaporating. I hardly notice as Sirius and Snape begin to fight again.

As the Christmas holidays slowly come to an end, I notice that Sirius is quickly losing the cheerfulness he's had while we've been staying with him. I can understand this sudden change in emotions though. It must be awful to be alone all the time.

When the time comes to return to Hogwarts Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Sylvia, Fred, George, and I line up our in the front hall and are left to wait while Mrs. Weasley summons the knight bus. Remus Lupin, Tonks, and Mad Eye have come to accompany us on the bus, which I suspect is mostly because of Harry and I. When it arrives, they lead us out of Grimmauld Place, Mad Eye keeping a firm grasp on my shoulder, and we all slowly climb into the purple triple decker bus.

"Alright, Fred, George, and Ginny sit right there with Remus, Sylvia, Ron and Hermione can sit over there with me, and Harry and Vanessa will sit with Mad Eye in the back." Tonks announces.

Everyone takes their seats, and Fred frowns when I end up sitting three rows behind him. Sighing, I sit back in the lumpy bus seat and in no more than a few sickening minutes the bus has come to stop in Hogsmeade with a jolt. Remus, Tonks, and Mad Eye heard us off of the bus and walk with us to the start of the path back to Hogwarts.

"Enjoy the rest of the term." Tonks smiles. We nod, and wave at her as we begin to walk the path.

"How was the ride, Silv?" I ask casually,  ruffling her hair as she walks beside me, looping her arm through mine.

"It was amazing! Ron let me sit by the window." She says enthusiastically.


"Stand up and take out your wands." Snape instructs angrily, having just spent the last fifteen minutes arguing with Harry and explaining that the reason we saw the vision of Mr. Weasley is because my father was possessing his snake at the time and we accidentally saw into his mind, which Voldemort has since realized.

I do as I'm told and pull my wand from my robes, getting to my feet and trying my best to prepare myself for whatever is about to happen.

"You may use your wand to attempt to disarm me or defend yourself in any other way you can think of." Professor Snape says, calming down a bit.

"And what are you going to do?" Harry asks.

"I am about to attempt to break into your minds." Snape replies softly. "We are going to see how well the two of you can resist. We'll start with Potter. Brace yourself now... Legilimens!"

Harry's eyes roll back into his head and he begins twitching. It's mild at first but it soon turns violent as he starts shouting.

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