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AN: Song doesn't really relate to the chapter all that much, I just felt like adding it. Also, it took me forever to write this because I put fake nails on that are incredibly long and are very hard to type with.

Anyway, there's just three more chapters until the end! I know it seems like that's not enough to wrap up the story but trust me it will be. Anyway, thanks for reading. Be sure to vote if you like the chapter, and comment suggestions and feedback.


As the cool morning turns to a slightly warmer afternoon, everyone gathers in the living room to sit around and talk. I sit with Fred's legs over mine as he sprawls across the couch, opposite from the way that I'm sitting. I yawn and settle into the couch, my eyelids are beginning to flutter closed when the door suddenly slams shut in the front hall. Fred sits up abruptly and watches the hall carefully. Slowly, Snape walks past the small living room and into the kitchen. I swear I catch his eye just before he's out of sight. Eyebrows raised, I turn to share a look with Fred.

"What d'ya reckon he's doing here?" He asks.

Before I can respond, Mrs. Weasley walks into the living room and calls out for Harry and I.

"Harry, Vanessa, Professor Snape would like a word. Please come into the kitchen for a moment." She says, gesturing for the both of us to join her and Snape in the kitchen.

"Squash him! He's just a pawn- sorry Mrs. Weasley, what did you say?" Harry asks, looking up from his game of wizards chess with Ron.

"Professor Snape, dear. In the kitchen." Molly repeats herself.

"Snape?" Harry asks, eyes widening.

"Professor Snape, dear. Now come quickly, you two, he says he can't stay long."

Shrugging, I share another look with Fred before getting to my feet and following Harry into the kitchen.

"Sit down." Snape orders as soon as we enter. We do as he says and each take a seat at the large kitchen table.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't give orders in my house, Snivellus." Sirius says, sneering at Snape from across the table.

"I am here on Dumbledore's orders and can act as is necessary. I know you like to be... involved Black, but I'm meant to speak to Potter and Redwood alone." Snape growls back irritably. I roll my eyes, did they bring us in here just to watch them bicker?

"Involved, what's that supposed to mean?" Sirius frowns, leaning back in his chair and letting the legs fall back down to hit the floor with a loud bang.

"Merely that you must feel frustrated due to how useless you are to Dumbledore and the Order." Snape comments impatiently.

"Merlin, you're both pretty now shut it! Why are we in here?" I ask, looking between Sirius and Snape. Snape frowns, raising his nose in the air and watching me with distaste for a moment.

"The Headmaster has sent me to tell you that it his wish for the both of you to study Occlumency this term.

"Study what?" Harry asks blankly, taking the confused words right out of my mouth.

"Occlumency, Potter. The magical defense of the mind against external penetration." Snape says this very slowly as if explaining the concept to a toddler.

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