Part 1-Introduction

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*You are 15 years old and in 9th grade. You are moving to LA from Michigan to start your life over. Your brothers names are Joey, Vincent, Brody, Nathan, Emmett, and Braydan. All your brothers are very protective of you because you and your brothers are werewolves. You and your brothers are all the same age, you guys are septuples. You are the youngest, but you acted like a mother when they had bad days, and Braydan is the oldest so he is the most protective of you because you are the girl in the family since your mother had died. Before your parents died your father made your brothers promise to protect you with their lives.*

*You and your brothers are now pulling up to your new house in LA after getting off the plane. All your things are in there since your friends have been here for a couple days.*

"Hey guys, were back from Michigan," you say as you open the door. After making sure the door was closed your brothers headed upstairs to their rooms.
"So glad to see you," you are greeted by friends Josie and her boyfriend Edward. Josie has been your best friend since you guys were in 5th grade and she is a vampire. Edward has been your friend since Vincent brought him home because he didn't have any where else to go. Josie wasn't always a vampire she once was human when you were younger. Until she met Edward. He changed her into a vampire so they can be together forever, after asking for your permission of course, they have been together with no arguments ever since they met each other.
"How was you plane ride?" Edward asked.
"It was great, but I'm really hungry. Have you checked the woods yet? And where is Isaac?" You noticed that your friend Isaac is missing. Isaac has been your friend since 6th grade. He lived across from your childhood home. You guys usually never hanged out at school or at home, but you guys always rode the bus to talk with each other.
"Yes, we saw lots of signs of wildlife and Isaac went out for little bit he will be back." You guys usually only eat meat you catch and nothing goes to waste because you and your brothers eat the animal and the vampires drink the blood. The vampires and werewolves in the house only kill animals to eat and bad vampires who kill to people in your territory.
"I'm going to Starbucks to get to know the city more and see if I smell any vamps." You said
"Okay, but you better tell Braydan."
"I'll be fine. If he finds I that I went out, then tell him I'm at Starbucks." You said as you sprayed yourself with special perfume used to help disguise your werewolf smell.
"Okay. Be careful. This isn't our territory yet," Josie said as you turn around to see Edward with his arms around Josie's waist. You start to feel a little sad because you came to LA because a relationship you thought would last forever turned to bad. (you will find out what happened later in the Story). You got into your Lamborghini Huracan.(You had always loved that car it is your dream car)

*Skip Ride*

You walk in to Starbucks. But you suddenly stop, because you smell something familiar...!

*Please comment below if I should keep writing or if you have any ideas for my story. If you like my story and want me to keep it going please vote and comment. Thankyou!*

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