Broken Glass

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(So I tried really hard to understand what I left off on. I might be over thinking it. So ill just start during the fight.)

Calypso tenses up and his body warmth turned cold. He frowns painfully as he seats me on the ground. Carefully he places his hand on my cheek and cradles it.

"You need to run as soon as he gets here"
Calypso doesn't make eye contact with me. His words were broken into small parts, but large enough to scare me.
"I'll fight for your soul, but you need to understand that I won't win"

The hand that was placed on my cheek, slowly turned into a frustrating fist. I felt his knuckles turn white against my skin. I grab his hand to try and bring warmth or comfort back into him. Disappointingly he rejected my efforts of comfort.

"Calypso." My voice felt cracked, "You can do this. Your the strongest person I've met.."

His eyes meet up with mine and his face takes a paler color.  For a few moments we stare at eachother.

"Whatever happens promise me, you won't go back to him." He's words took me by sudden surprise.

"I..I promise."

That's a promise you won't be able to keep.  My thoughts started to talk on their own. Unwilling making me feel lost and smaller than ever before

This moment didnt last for long. A ice breaking feeling covered my body and soul. The room we had hidden in no longer felt comfty and safe. The atomsphere changed as quick as Calypso's attitude.

Slowly he stands up and looks down at me, "Run as soon as we start. I'll distract him."

Behind him, at the entrance of the room, stood a deformed figure. A figure I've never seen before. It's ghostly body shape shook me to the core.  It's breathing was loud, cracked, and dry. It sounded painful..

"Puppet?" The voice spoke many voices at once, all of them deep and demonic.

He was here. That single word comfirmed it.

Quickly Calyspo stands in front of me.
He stands firm and straight, power seemed to beem off of him.

"Look how greed has changed you." He snarls.

Marionette's chest tighten. It was clear Calyspo's words had disgusted him.

"What we have isn't greed." Marionette takes a threatening step forward. "It's love."

That threatening step started to turn into a manisnning walk. He moved with such power. Calyspo knew this. He knew this all to well.

Without turnning to me, he whispers "run"

*Next chapter coming soon. I wrote this during school. So if you see any spelling mistakes let me know*

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