Open Your Eyes

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Didn't edit, and I was sleepy when writing this. Soo don't expect the best.. ;)


I was siting comfortably on Calypso's shoulders, while snuggling up to my new teddy bear. He smelt like honey and cinnamon mixed up, it made my nose tickle a bunch. Together we walked down the mall and talked about everything.

But all fun must come to a end, and we soon went home. I was exhausted from the day and I wanted to immediately fall asleep, but Calypso had other things in mind.

"Darling I need to ask you a personal question." He asked, while gently putting me on the ground.

I didn't think much about this question and honestly I didn't really care what the question was. I just wanted to sleep and cuddle up to his chest.

"What is it?" I yawned and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

Calypso looked down at me, and I lifted up my head to look up back at him. It was hard to lifted up my head, I felt dizzy from not having sleep. I thought maybe he would understand that I really didn't wanna talk at the moment.

"I want you to be completed honest with me." He kneels over and lands on one knee, to level up with me.

He lends his body weight on his knee and watched me carefully, like if I was a unknown animal.

"Has Marionette ever hurt you, or kept you caged up?" He asked, while keeping a serious firm look.

I didn't want to answer him. My brain felt mashed up and my eyes couldn't stay up, but I knew what he had asked and feared to give him the right answer. If I did and Marionette came back for me, Calypso wouldn't let me go. I can't have that happen, I love Calypso and all, but I NEED Marionette..

"N-no." I felt horrible telling a lie, but I felt like it was the right thing to do right now.

Calypso eyes seemed to glow a slight color of red and I saw his jaw tighten. It was obvious he didn't see past m my lie.

"Your lying to me." I jumped to the sound of his voice. It was much darker and different then before.

"Tell me the truth, Echo." He added, knowing he had scared me.

I looked at the ground for a moment and back towards him. His eyes glued onto me and I could tell I was pushing it. I can't tell him the truth! I love Marionette too much to tell him anything.

Really does it matter? I'm sure Marionette is coming back for me, and then we can return to our home. I'll forget about this place, but never forget about Calypso.

I feel like lying to him made our friendship lower in levels. Maybe he won't trust me anymore if I lie to him again. Or perhaps he'll hit me, like Marionette once did when I was caught in a lie. He never did it again though, he felt horrible afterwards.

"He.. sometimes gets mad. That's all, nothing big." Maybe he'll just go with that answer and deal with it...

But I was wrong..

"He doesn't just get mad, he feeds off of your pain. Your suffering and you don't even know it!!" Calypso gets up angrily and puts his hands behind his head, trying to stop from hitting something.

"Why are you still lying for someone like him? Can't you see he is over possessive over you and will hurt you if you try to get away?? He has made your life a living hell and I can sense it! Your always jumping to the smallest touch and sound, it's obvious he had hurt you in someway!!"

He starts to walk back in forth in frustration. His footsteps seemed to get louder and louder each time he paced back and forth.

"I just wanna know how he has hurt you, so I can help you.. Why...why can't you see that?!" His voice soften around the last sentence.

I felt tears and hot feelings burn up my face. I didn't want to cry in front of him, but I couldn't hold the emotional wreck inside of me for long.

"Your wrong!! Marionette loves me, I know he dose!!"

I wanted to give him a whole speech of how wrong he was, but my tears stopped me from talking.

"Would someone who loved you, do this to you!!"

Without warning he harshly grabs my arms and rolls up the sleeves. I quickly shut my eyes, I didn't want to see the scars from the sharp hooks. That day when they were forcibly stabbed into me, had scared me for life and I have my body to prove it.

"Open your eyes!" He yelled, as his voice got darker.

I didn't want to, but Calypso was scary. I kept flinching to the sound of his voice and my tears seem to roll faster. He was scaring me and I could do nothing.

His grip tighten on my arm, and I could feel a nasty bruise forming. My skin felt cold and tight now, and he wasn't helping by hurting me.

"S-stop!!" I shouted, still keeping my eyes glued down. "Your hurting me!!"

"Then open your eyes!!" He growled.

Slowly I opened them and looked down at my arms. The deep gashes where the hooks had been heal up, and left large scars all over my arms. Visions of my blood pouring down my body, as another hook enter me, seemed to take over my sight. I could hear myself screaming for Marionette to stop, begging him to let me go, But he continued and ignore my cries and pleads.

My stomach felt twisted and upside down. I can't even look at myself without getting sick. My body use to be clean of scars, but now Marionette has covered me up in them.

My tears fall off my face and onto my arms.. My crying seemed to stop and I was left with just helpless tears.

"Sweetheart, Look at me.." Calypso voice was soft spoken and filled with regret.

I didn't take my eyes off my arms, I couldn't move them. They seemed glued to my disgusting skin.

I felt his cold hand slip up under my chin and he slowly lifted up my head. My sleepy eyes met up with his soulless ones. I saw regret in his eyes those, he didn't mean to make me cry.. I know he didn't.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of been that hard on you." He said, and slowly moves his hand on the side of my face.

I embraced his hand. I desperately craved body warmth and comfort at the moment. I didn't want to stand in the dark anymore....

What I don't know is how Calypso knows about this. How did he figured this out? My brain told myself to shut up and don't ask, so I didn't..

"Can...can we just go to bed now?" I sniffed.

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