"Bugs will save her and the babies Jayse. Focus. Dammit, Jayse, don't do this to me now. Focus." Tommy says urgently. "Kadance and the babies need us both."

"Jayse, please," Jade says tearfully.

"We need you Jayse," Jax says.

"The team needs you. There's still shifters," Tommy says and that snaps Jayse back to himself.

He comes back with the anger so controlled that those he looks at feel cold. "Where the hell is Alpha?"

"Alpha Command is sending out teams. Our team is working on the hospital," Tommy replies softly.

"Why are you two here?" Jayse demands of the twins.

"Transfers not official yet. We're technically still part of your team," Jade explains.

"Guard those doors. Protect her with your lives, understand?" Jayse says coldly.

"Yes sir!" They both reply. Assuming positions on either side of the doors leading to surgery.

"Tommy ghost this corridor. Borden, report." Jayse demands.

"Found a small group, taking them out now. Almost finished our sweep," Borden replies.

"Alpha, what's the condition for the city?" Jayse demands.

"City is locked down. A few civilian casualties. Found about a thousand shifters in different pockets throughout the city. We're on it, won't take long," Alpha Command reports.

"Rackem, how the hell did they bypass the alarms?" Jayse demands furious.

"Someone turned them off," Rackem says so softly that Jayse could barely hear him.

"Another bloody traitor, who?" Jayse demands he's out for blood this time.

"I can't hack it, I'm trying," Rackem says almost in tears.

"Jayse?" Tommy asks.

"Do it Tommy, find out who the bastard is that did this," Jayse orders.

"It was Upton, Jayse," Tommy says in disbelief.

"That cowardly son of a ---" Jayse bites off his words and starts taking deep breaths. "Tommy, you find that bastard and bring him to me."

"I can't Jayse, I'm too close to losing it. I'll kill him and that'll set me off," Tommy says frustrated.

"Amgle," Jayse barks out.

"Yes, boss," Amgle answers quickly.

"Go and find me this man. He's responsible for this. No need to go easy on him, he's a traitor," Jayse's voice could freeze alcohol.

"Right away boss."

"Any word on your wife's condition Jayse?" Lighten asks half fearfully on his com link.

Jayse turns his glacial look on Lighten, "I'm trying real hard not to lose it right now. Tommy is all but lost it. How do you think she's doing?" Jayse takes another deep breath. "She's in surgery, they're trying to save her and the babies. She's the one that gave the warning. She better not die Lighten. The alarms were turned off by Upton. You tell Jannsen he better start cleaning house, or we will," Jayse cuts the link.

"Hospital is clear," Borden reports.

"Then get back down here. Kelan needs help. She'll need stitches. She's starting to come around," Jayse says.

The sound of crying infants is starting to be heard as the fighting and chaos calms down. The sound draws Jayse to the surgery doors.

The NICU personnel come out. "Eight beautiful children. Four girls, four boys. Two sets of twins for each sex." The NICU doctor explains as the team takes them to the Unit. Jayse waves off some of the security team to follow. "They are all healthy, however, since they are so early we'll need to keep them here for awhile," the doctor continues.

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