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"Kadance as long as we're here let's do your exam." Kelan says ignoring Tommy. Kadance gets on the bed after prepping for the exam.

"Look at them! They are definitely growing bigger. Looks like everything is going well. They look like an active bunch, that's good. Have you started feeling them yet?" Kelan says as the images show up on the sonogram machine.

"Yes, and shortly before you came in Tommy felt it too," Kadance replies.

"It was incredible Doc." Tommy says he's entranced by the picture before him. "It's so clear. But I think there's more than six in there."

"You may be right, or it could be an artifact, no matter. At least six possibly more. Celeste, then Luna Two then to Gaia. That's cutting things finer than I'd like Kadance. Pretty soon moving will become very hard. With so many you're very likely to deliver early. Start taking things easy. I don't like the idea of you going to Luna Two.

"Everything is looking good. You must let me know if you even feel off or if something feels wrong. You're the one that knows first," Kelan says.

"I will. I'd skip Luna Two, but we need them too much. The Companies are spread out too much. They can mean the difference for the civies surviving or not. We'll only be there three days," Kadance says.

"May take longer than that to fix my had." Tommy says absently. "We could have different plans ready depending on who signs up. You'll need someone you trust to oversee Dunworthy Holdings there. There's a rumor, a Sigma redliner is stationed there. If he comes to your party and accepts employment he'd be perfect. But it's only a rumor Kadance."

"Are there many Sigma redliners? You've never talked about them before," Kadance asks curious.

"Not many of us survived long enough to become redliners. This one redlined before I came into Sigma, but he's a legend," Tommy is getting excited.

Kadance smiles, "Seems like Sigma creates legends. But won't he be a bit out there? You've been redlined three years. Before that you were in Sigma nearly twenty years. That means he's been out for about two decades."

Tommy just takes out is com., "Jayse can you come to Medic? Boss Lady and I have some ideas and she has questions."

Jayse laughs, "You mean you have ideas and she's questioning them. What's up?"

"She wants to know about Tanker," Tommy says.

Jayse is quiet a moment, "I'll be right down."

Kelan packs her things as Kadance redresses. Each lost in her own thoughts. Kelan has heard stories about Tanker. Borden would know more. She wants to talk to Borden as quickly as possible.

Kadance wonders what is so wonderful about Tanker. She's more wrapped up in thoughts of her babies as she dismisses thoughts about Tanker.

Jayse is there by the time Kadance is dressed. Kadance smiles at him as she walks over to Tommy's bed and sits down on the chair. "Tommy says that the Sigma redliner, Tanker, would be a good choice to oversee my Holdings on Luna Two. Why is that?"

Jayse watches Kadance, the silence lengthens and Kadance losses her smile. "Jayse?" She says uncertainly.

Jayse shakes his head and smiles reassuringly at Kadance. "Sorry Kadance. Just got caught up in memories. Tanker is, was a legend in Sigma. He redlined the year before I was brought into Sigma which was a year before Tommy here. Back then stories of him, the respect men gave him, no one ever mocked him. They respected and loved him. He was my hero and I tried to be like him. He was Commander of Sigma for ten years. No one else had ever been Commander for so long. He had a gift for bringing out the best in everyone. He always knew the name of each and every person in the Company. They say that he cried every time he lost a man in battle. He didn't like crying so he made it so that he wouldn't have to. It was under his Command that Sigma became the best Company. He would bring home everyone. Some badly wounded, but he brought them home. He was uncanny in knowing the enemy. It was like he knew what they'd do before they did. It was almost eerie.

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