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"I'm worried about Kadance. She's more tired than I've ever seen a pregnant woman be," Jayse says as he and Tommy corner Kelan.

"She's carrying more children too," Kelan says then sighs. "Yet, I'm worried too. Although she's healthy, I think that vampire parasite did make it harder on her. But I also think her civie genes make it harder on her than if she had warrior genes. We're bred stronger. But it looks like I'll be taking the babies sooner than I'd hoped. Maybe tomorrow. I'd hoped for next month."

"Then the whole team goes tomorrow. We'll be setting guards for the babies," Jayse says.

"If they come tomorrow, they'll be in NICU for awhile. Although, I've been giving them lung developer they'll have to fight to survive," Kelan says sadly.

"Don't we all?" Tommy says softly.

"The twins join Alpha tomorrow," Tommy says suddenly. "I still can't believe they both passed my test," he smiles proudly.

"Kadance is very proud of them," Jayse says with no little pride himself. "We all are."

"They worked very hard and had an excellent teacher," Kelan says.

"Have Alpha Command pick them up at the hospital. Let them see their young cousins before they take off," Jayse says to Tommy. "They're so hot to get the twins they'll do anything you ask."

"Yeah, Kadance would like that," Tommy says mostly to himself. He calls up Alpha Command and arranges it. "They'll meet us there. Alpha Commander wants to see them as well. So they'll stick around for a bit."

"They'll?" Kelan asks.

"All of Alpha Command and they're bringing Dr. Bugs. He knows Kadance and requested permission to come," Tommy replies.

"Dr. Bugs?" Jayse's eyes widen and he smiles. "He's the one that apologized to me, Kadance's boss."

"Yep, that's the one, the one she slapped. He went and got himself assigned to Alpha. Poor guy, so they'll meet us there at 11:00," Tommy states.

"That's good. Good night guys, it's going to be an exciting day tomorrow," Kelan says.

"Things are looking good Kadance, looks like they're all around two pounds. However, I'm concerned over you health. I think, for your health we'd better take the babies today," Kelan says.

"Ahh, you've already talked to my husbands about this that's why the whole team is here," Kadance says without rancor. "If they'll survive I'm fine with it."

Kelan smiles. "We'll be taking you to surgery prep in the wheelchair. There's a few people that would like to speak to you before you have the babies," Kelan says.

Out of habit Kadance grabs her knife and comset out of the bag of personal effects.

"Tommy, Jayse you could have warned me, NOT NICE," Kadance says as she settles in the wheelchair. "We're on our way now."

As they leave the room she notices a doctor walking towards them. A strange look to the eye. She screams into the comset. "Shifters." Just as the strange doctor starts shooting. The first shot takes Kelan, she is thrown back and hits her head. The second hits Kadance as she throws her knife. She kills the shifter.

The alarms sound, she hears yelling and chaos. Jayse's voice, "Stefi. Stay with us. Stay with me."

Tommy's voice, "Get a doctor. I don't care. Everyone else in this city will die if Kadance dies. Alpha get Bugs here now. Kadance is hit, I repeat she's hit."

"Don't leave me Stefi," Jayse keeps saying.

"Jayse you have to let her go. The doctor has to take her to surgery. Let her go," Tommy says urgently as all sound fades for Kadance.

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