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Kelan is already examining the others, "Other than the nausea and unfocused eyes you three appear to be fine. Keep your eyes closed for awhile. Trader, Mareton go to your rooms and rest. Not much you can do at this point," she says as she finishes Tommy. "Tommy rest over there, no use telling you to go to your room," She points to the couch. Tommy gratefully lies down.

She examines Amgle's ankle. "Amgle, you're gonna permanently damage this ankle if you're not careful. I have to put a light cast on it this time. No ghosting for at least two weeks." She says as she wraps his ankle in the casting cloth.

"Yes, ma'am," He replies as he grits his teeth against the pain.

"Dest, come here. Let me take a look at those bruises." Kelan orders as Amgle hops over to another chair where he can put his foot up.

"I have to say this body armor is top rate Boss Lady," Dest says as he painfully removes his shirt.

Kadance picks it up and looks it over. She pokes her fingers through a couple of holes. "You're a very lucky man Dest."

Dest looks over at Kadance and sees the fingers poking through the holes and blanches. "No wonder I'm so sore on those ribs." He tries to make a joke out of it. "Good thing I have another."

"Rackem, go get his other shirt. We'll replace this one once this mess is over with," Jayse says.

"We'll take care of the legs later," Kelan says. Rackem returns and tosses the shirt to Dest.

"Those I'll get myself," Dest objects. Kelan whispers something in his ear. He turns red and becomes breathless.

"Calm down boy. Now's not the time," Kelan laughs wickedly and repacks her kit. In retaliation Dest snags her and whispers something in her ear. "Now that better be a promise Dest," Kelan replies.

Dest laughs low, "Oh, it is doc, it is."

"You two knock it off, you're putting everyone else on edge," Tommy says. "Kelan you know better. It's hard enough between Jayse and myself. Take a look at him now." They all look at Jayse and that effectively lowers the temperature and desire levels. "That's better. When this mess is over with you can torment each other all you want in your rooms." Tommy sits up hiding the wince of pain and carefully opens his eyes.

Glaring at them he says, "Don't ever do that again."

Jayse switches com links to a general room link. "Large group of shifters heading your way Jayse. Seems they scattered from us and reformed into one group, they'll be there soon. Want us to come at them from behind?"

"Good heavens NO!" Tommy says in horror. "My toys will wipe out your men. After the explosion they can mop up any that are left. We're down too many to enjoy the party at this point."

"Catch that Alpha?" Jayse asks.

"Roger that. We'll hold off till after the explosion then mop up."

"Commander, don't let them go beyond that corridor. The next one is set as well," Tommy says tiredly.

"Right." Command responds, "Just that corridor." He swallows and signs off.

Soon after a large explosion rocks the building. "Tommy those are outdoor explosives." Jayse chides.

Tommy shrugs, "All I had left. Most of my team is down. You all need to be guarding Boss Lady. Seemed smart to me to use them."

"You boys sure don't like to share much, except the cleanup. These corridors are littered with the dead buggers," The Alpha leader complains.

"Sorry, can't let them through to the Boss Lady and for some reason they always come after her." Jayse says happily and not even a little sorry.

"Well they may have to demolish this level. Those blasts are pretty strong." Alpha rejoins a whistle escaping as he surveys the damage of the blast.

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