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"Well since we aren't leaving let's go see Tanker. Jayse and Tommy can help him out and we'll look at the office you chose," Kadance says putting the last of her things away. "Which one did you choose?" Kadance asks as they leave.

"The one I can see Tanker from. It's next to his corner office. It's screwy, but for some reason I still have a clear view into his office, even though I shouldn't," Baron says.

"Really? This building should be rectangular. Something funky there," Kadance smiles mischievously. "Secrets always interest me. I wonder what we'll find." She turns to Jayse and Tommy, "Come on boys, You two can help Tanker. Baron and I will work on her new office, the cubs can help us unless they have other homework," The boys look at Tommy in dread.

"No, they don't have anything better to do," the boys give Tommy dirty looks. "They can help you stay out of trouble," At that Kadance sticks her tongue out at Tommy.

"Oh that's real grown up Stefi," Tommy laughs.

Kadance winks at the boys and pretends to pull up her offended pride, "Of course it was. I did it didn't I?" They all laugh as they ride up the elevator. Kadance waves off Jayse and Tommy as she Baron and the cubs go to Baron's office.

"Wait a minute, that's impossible," Jax says. "We shouldn't be able to see them so well, the dimensions are off."

"Maybe his office has another room," Kadance says.

"No, it's window walls like those," Baron says gesturing.

"That wall doesn't adjoin the offices," Jade says thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry? I don't see how it couldn't," Baron says "You stand here and, oh, you're right."

"Both offices were tampered with. Let's see what we can find," Kadance says. "Or rather you three, I'm a bit light headed so I'll just sit tight." She settles onto the couch and closes her eyes for a bit. Then she opens them and watches the other three while they work.

Baron goes to the desk and examines it. She finds catches for hidden compartments within the desk, but nothing for the room.

The boys look at the walls and floor minutely with no luck. Kadance puts her hand on the window sill behind the couch to help leverage herself up. As she does so something clicks as it depresses down. Kadance looks in amazement at her hand.

"You found it Aunt," Jax exclaims as the hidden door swings open.

Jade steps in there and whistles, "You won't believe this."

They all step inside. Kadance says, "Impossible, Not that much space was unaccounted for." They look at the mini apartment complete with bed, closet, bathroom, kitchenette.

"Look there's an outline of another door on Tanker's side," Jade says spying the outline.

Kadance turns, upset and goes to Tankers office, the twins go with her. Baron just stares in amazement. The opening of the other door and Tanker's exclamation bring her back to the here and now.

Tanker and Baron are so busy studying the new room they don't realize the others leave. Jayse orders the team to do a full search for other such hideouts.

Then suddenly they hear the doors close on them. At first all was well, then the lights went out. That sends Baron into a full panic attack.

"It's okay Baron, I'm here," Tanker says. "Baron, take a deep breath, okay, now what do you want me to do? I'll stay over here if you want."

"No, please hold me," Baron says in a tear filled voice. Tanker comes over to her. He gently enfolds her in his arms. As she breathes in his scent she's able to relax, slowly her breathing calms down and returns to normal. "I can't sleep with the lights off." Her heart rate is no longer racing. "I go into a panic if the lights go off. I guess you know that though, oh gads I'm babbling."

KadanceWhere stories live. Discover now