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"Sorry, I don't have body armor dress for you, but on my best day I didn't wear your size. They're too busy churning out the security body armor to take time to make anythings else. But as soon as possible I want you to get a full wardrobe of body armor. Charge it to the company, just this once. After that you'll be required to provide your own. Perfect," Kadance says as Sandlee finishes doing up the dress. "Thank you Sandlee for loaning Baron the dress."

"No problem, it actually fits her better than me, so if it pleases it's hers," Sandlee says.

"Thank you, I feel like a princess in it," Baron says smiling, eyes shining in joy and wonder. "I've never had anything so beautiful."
"If at anytime you need to leave, Jayse, Tommy or Tanker will escort you out okay?" Kadance asks.

"Okay, I have to at least try to do this," Baron says nervously.

Kadance looks at her in approval. "I know this isn't easy, but I also know that you are strong, you're a survivor, not a victim. In time your life will come together again and you'll be living not just surviving. This is a step towards that. Now I know the guys are getting impatient," she rolls her eyes. "But if we were ready an hour ago they'd still be impatient, personally I think they get off easy wearing the formal uniforms."

Baron and Sandlee giggle, "Sandlee are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Positive, I don't like large gatherings. Nice thing about being a physio, I don't have to do fancy events," she says with satisfaction. "Only if I have a date to someone else's shindig. I'll be changing into pajamas and chatting with Candlen, have fun!"

Kadance sticks her tongue out at her, "Brat. Maybe I should change your status to security."

"Yeah, right. My strengths are definitely NOT in that area. Besides then you wouldn't have a physio for Tommy or any of the others," Sandlee purrs.

Kadance sighs, "So right. And the way my team gets hurt we can't afford to not have you on as physio." Kadance turns to Baron with an injured air, "See what I have to put up with?"

Her pathetic voice makes Baron laugh, "Right. Your team adores you, they'd do anything for you."

"Yes, I know. That's why they can make life impossible," Kadance says giving another huge sigh. "No, really they are a great team. I wouldn't have another, but they really are impatient. Good night Sandlee, come on Baron it's time to face the masses," here Kadance whispers, "I just hope they remembered to shower. That first meeting was overwhelmingly fragrant," Baron starts giggling again.

"Kadance are you telling dirty jokes when we should be down there five minutes ago," Jayse says impatiently.

"Hey, Kadance, you telling dirty jokes? How come you're not sharing with us?" Tommy says coming out. Jayse frowns at him.

"I'm not telling dirty jokes," Kadance says in exasperation and rolling her eyes at Baron, Baron giggles again.

"Tommy, where's your chair?" Jayse asks annoyed.

"I'm not bringing it Jayse. There are chairs there. If I need to sit I'll sit on one of them. Right now I need to stand and move," Tommy explains patiently.

"Jayse, let's go, you're the one upset over the time," Kadance says stopping Jayse from fighting with Tommy, "Sandlee and Kelan have both cleared Tommy, now let's go."

"Baron you're likely to be barraged by warriors. It seems like courage and fortitude like yours are in great admiration. If you stay close to us we'll run interference," Kadance hands her an earpiece. "Sorry you can't carry around your comset. Put this in your ear. If you get separated from us we'll come rescue you."

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