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"Hey beautiful," Tommy says weakly.

Kadance smiles at Tommy, "Hey, yourself."

"I have to break an order. They won't let me even try to walk for another twenty-four hours. Then only short trips. They won't let me go to the graduation. I'm sorry Kadance, I failed you."

"Not you Tommy. Rueton made it so you pushed too hard and too long, but you'll be there. You'll just have to go in the wheelchair." Kadance says gently as she caresses his face.

Tommy just smiles and goes back to sleep.

Kadance lays her head next to him and falls asleep as well. Jayse covers her with a blanket and lays on the other bed. He keeps his gun close. He closes his eyes and is sound sleep almost immediately.

"You boys haven't spent much time with your classmates since we got here," Kadance says.

"We're assigned to your team 'til Tommy is done with us. Once we graduate they'll be too busy. Besides we've had some time with them," Jade says absently.

"Yeah, some still believe the lies Rueton told them. It seems like we're always having to correct them. That's not much fun. Besides they're busy helping to pack up the Compound," Jax continues.

"I see," Kadance says thoughtfully. "You boys ready for graduation?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" They both reply.

"Although it looks like our plans have changed," Jax says glumly.

"Don't worry boys, things will work out. We'll need you back here for a bit after graduation, then the night will be yours, okay?" Kadance says softly.

"Yes, ma'am." Again in unison but not so energetic.

"Good, now go see Tommy. He wants to speak with you," Kadance dismisses them. They quickly leave the room. "Rackem, get me Compound Commander," she says after the boys leave.

"Kadance, please will you let me take care of that? I believe I know what you want to accomplish and I think it will work better coming from me," Lighten says quietly.

Kadance looks at him hard, but she finally nods. "Compound Commander is online Kadance," Rackem says.

"Put him on." Kadance waits while Rackem does, "Commander, I hear that there's still some nasty rumors persisting about my team amongst the students here."

The Commander says, "I've been working on it. As have your nephews."

Lighten interjects, "I'd like to speak at the graduation and have it broadcast to everyone. Kadance's team, with her permission, can help me set it up. This is a great wrong the needs to be rectified as soon as possible," Lighten suggests.

"Of course, I'll rearrange the schedule. I'll introduce you, then you can do your talk. Will that work?" The Commander asks.

"That will work fine, but it won't be just a talk. Don't worry, Kadance's people are quite capable of dealing with anything I'll need," Lighten says.

"Thank you, Commander, we'll see you tonight then," Kadance says signing off as does the Commander.

"Kadance, mind if I use your team?" Lighten asks politely.

Kadance shrugs and replies, "Whatever you need Lighten. You have three hours 'til graduation." Then she leaves with Kelan.

"Rackem, could you put together a segment? It doesn't need to be as complete as what we sent to HQ, but it needs to have all the info of what really happened that day. It might be a good idea to leave out Kadance's knife throwing act. I don't think they would understand that part." Lighten still has nightmares about that.

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