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They quickly gather Kadance's things. She nods to her replacement and they leave. They all ignore the whispered words that start as soon as they are no longer near the station. They exit the hospital and Kadance goes to her conveyance. She looks at the conveyance and then at her new protectors. "I'm afraid we'll have to take the public conveyance. Mine would just barely fit Jayse. There's no way it'll fit you both."

Jayse looks at Tommy and Tommy smiles cockily, "That's okay Kadance. Jayse here will get you home safe. Don't worry about me, I'll just take this conveyance somewhere safe." Kadance looks at Tommy and then Jayse and narrows her eyes.

"And just how are you to find us then?" Kadance asks in a soft voice which neither man takes lightly.

Tommy doesn't even look abashed as he answers her saucily. "When I was discharged from the hospital I had to find temporary quarters. I didn't find Jayse's neighborhood congenial so I looked around a bit. I ended up on base, but I found your apartment building during my look around." He winks at her and takes her keys. Kadance reluctantly hands them over. It may not be much of a conveyance, but it was hers.

Jayse gently leads Kadance away before Tommy takes over the conveyance. He knows Tommy's driving style and if she was reluctant before-well he didn't want her to find out how justified she is.

Tommy prudently waits while Jayse and Kadance board the public conveyance, then he takes off. He makes sure that no one will be able to follow him as he takes several turns, speeding up and slowing down. He is the king of the ghosts if he doesn't want to be found then he won't. He does notice that there seems to be someone following him and that makes him smile.

Tommy pulls out all the stops as he loses his tail. He smiles wider and wider as the tailer manages to keep up with him. Tommy pulls things out of the old conveyance that Kadance didn't even know was possible.

Tommy hasn't had so much fun since that last battle. He finally pulls the tail off of him and takes the conveyance to the parking lot of the first safe house. He knows that Kadance has some things in the conveyance that she might want to keep. Since there was a tail he has no doubt that there will be a need for the safe house tonight.

Kadance is quiet on the conveyance. It's earlier than she normally gets off work and the crowds have definitely thinned. The noise in the background isn't very loud and it allows her to get lost in thought. She gets rudely pulled back to the present when Jayse grabs her arm and helps her off.

She looks around in confusion. This isn't her stop to make the transfer. She actually has no idea where she is. She looks up at Jayse in confusion. He just motions for her to start walking. He felt uncomfortable on the bus, like someone was watching them surreptitiously. He definitely would have felt it if someone had been watching them directly.

Several people got off on the same stop. Jayse casually looks around to see which are following them. Most of the people go off in multiple directions, but a few come their way. Jayse smiles a little. Tommy may be better at ghosting than him, but it is one of the thing he does do well.

Jayse actually has other reasons for making this stop. He needs his gear and he figures that this would be a good time to pick it up. Or at least some of it. They go into the lobby and up to the elevator. All this time Kadance looks at Jayse with only one eyebrow raised.

Kadance figures that Jayse will explain when there's time, but her patience is definitely running out. When Jayse opens a door and escorts her into an apartment she turns on him and explodes. "What are you doing Jayse?"

Jayse walks over to the window facing the street and looks down. There are a couple of people that don't belong. Jayse grunts before turning to face Kadance.

"We were being followed. I thought we might want to get to a secure place before they catch up to us. Besides I need some weapons. We are discouraged from carrying weapons around civies unless we are under attack." Jayse leaves the window and goes into the other room. He takes out his duffel and starts removing his weapons, at least the small arms. Then he proceeds to pack his duffel with all his things.

Kadance looks around and finds nothing. There wasn't much in the way of personal affects in the apartment. She wanders into the bedroom just as Jayse comes out of the bathroom with his arms full. "That didn't take very long. How long have you lived here?"

"Since I was discharged from the hospital after my last battle. They needed me close to Rory and Tommy. And I needed to be close to them." He looks around to make sure that he hasn't forgotten anything.

Kadance looks at the pile of weapons on his bed. "Are you expecting an invasion? That pile is significant."

Jayse looks at the small pile of weapons and snorts with laughter. "This small pile is nothing compared to what Tommy keeps. This I hope will keep us safe to your place."

Jayse finishes packing then goes to the weapons pile. Kadance is amazed at the weapons pile slowly disappearing, but not many are showing on Jayse. Once he finishes he goes back into the front room and looks out the window once more.

Kadance follows him and he points out the two people that don't belong. "Idiots should have found a different location to watch my building." Kadance looks at him questioningly.

"I've made these streets safer. People that don't belong here don't stay. I have a few people that'll help me out. If they haven't left for the night that is. Wait here, you'll be safe enough for a short time anyway." Suiting action to his words Jayse slips out of the room and goes to find those that will help him.

Kadance remains where Jayse left her and watches out the window. After ten years she's relaxed and stopped paying so much attention to people around her. She thought she was safe. Now it looks like he's found her again. Just as things were starting to look up.

Jayse walks in so quietly that Kadance doesn't hear him. He watches as she silently wipes away the tears from her eyes. He is puzzled by them, so far nothing's happened that would give her tears. No one has even died yet.

Kadance pulls herself together and then turns to face Jayse. She always seems to know when he's around even if she can't see him. He nods that all is ready at her questioning look. She moves over to him and he escorts her to the back of the building. There he slips out and around to check on the watchers.

He smiles as he returns to Kadance. The women that he asked to help him were busy keeping the strangers occupied. One of the men tried valiantly to keep watching the building but found himself distracted and unable to keep focused.

Jayse slips Kadance and himself out while the ladies were busy. The ladies are thankful for the chance to help him. He knows that they will be paid handsomely for their work from the very ones sent to watch the apartments.

Jayse is very careful to keep Kadance from looking back. He whispers that no one pays any attention to that sort of thing around here and that they need to keep moving forward.

Kadance manages to keep from blushing but understands about these things. She just always thought they would be done in a more private setting.

Jayse takes her to another conveyance and they make a few more changes before they make it to her apartment building. "After being followed like we were I normally wouldn't bring you back, but you are making enough sacrifices without leaving all your things behind. If Tommy's not there yet we'll have to assume that something is wrong and go to the safe house as soon as you pack."

Kadance nods her understanding. Things were happening too fast for her to take in. She leads Jayse to her apartment. After unlocking it Jayse pulls her back before she can open the door. Jayse pulls open the door and when he sees movement he grabs the arm of the person on the other side of the door. He moves so fast that Tommy is out in the hall with them before Kadance realizes what Jayse has done.

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