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"Kadance what's wrong?" Jayse asks as he and Tommy catch up to her. She had all but run once she was clear from view of Rackem and Candlen. She keeps her face turned away from Jayse and Tommy.

Jayse puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. It still takes her a few moments to make sure that she has her voice under control before she can reply.

"I'm not sure I can do it. Go to that stupid reception I mean. My uncle knows that I'm alive now and he won't stop at anything to kill me. I don't think I can stand watching more innocents die while he tries. I have no doubt you all will keep me safe, but the others around me, you won't be able to keep them all safe. And he'll never stop hunting me. If he knows to look for me in the warrior society he'll easily be able to track me. That will put us in danger at every stop we make. I just can't do it anymore.

"That damn vid cast will make it so everyone will recognize me, making me an easier target than ever. How in the hell did that get released anyway?" Jayse pulls her into his arms to comfort her.

"Don't worry about your uncle Kadance. We'll take care of him." Tommy says in the deadliest tone of voice Kadance had ever heard. "Besides that's what we're paid to do. We are your security, but we're also your friends, remember?" Kadance sniffles but nods her head against Jayse's shoulder.

"We aren't going to let anything happen to you Kadance. We are aware of the threat of your uncle and we're taking care of it," Jayse says. "As for that vid cast, it was set to a warriors channel. Civilians won't be watching it and the warriors that do will most likely want your autograph rather than try to kill you.

"You have to trust us. We have been trained to see possible danger and believe us we are aware of the danger your uncle poses. We have plans to neutralize him. Trust us to do just that okay?" Jayse says and holds her a little apart from him.

Kadance tries to stop the tears and sniffling, "I'm trying Jayse, I really am. I'm sorry Jayse and you too Tommy. I know this is something you guys can do. I know you can do a better job at it than I. It's just that for more than ten years he's been hunting me and hurting those that are close to me, or just plain turning them against me.

"Now I'm expected to walk into an armed camp where he'll be waiting for me. I'll be putting my new family, my little company into the line of fire all because of my greedy murderous uncle.

"Not only that, but I'm placing my faith in people I've only known for a short time. Even you and Tommy I don't know that well. I've gone years without trusting people Jayse and you've seen why. It's not that easy to all of a sudden start trusting again." Kadance finishes and starts crying softly all over again. Jayse looks over at Tommy beseeching his help.

Tommy is just as uncomfortable over Kadances crying as Jayse. Suddenly memory strikes and playing a hunch, "Kadance," Tommy says softly but it's enough to get her attention. "The Company that is planet side right now is Alpha Company. We'll have them take over security. Your uncle will never even know. We'll even have them scattered throughout the reception. All five of us will be there."

Tommy gently wipes the tears from her face as he says this. He continues, "Either Jayse or I will be at your side the whole night. You won't be alone." He smiles happily, "I even have some ideas about your protection. Okay?" With this he straightens up and takes a step back.

"I have to go get Rackem's and Candlen's things. While I'm at it I'll be stopping by Command and pick up some things." At Kadance's look he quickly adds, "I'll even use my papers this time. Getting the things I want will be easier that way anyhow." He mumbles under his breath, "even if that does take all the fun out of it."

His little saying had the unintentional effect of making Kadance giggle. Well, okay, she hiccough then giggled. They both relaxed with that. They truly hate seeing a female cry, even one that has plenty of reason too.

"Take one of my boxes, it'll make carrying everything easier." Kadance says as she cleans up the after effects of her crying bout.

"Thanks Kadance." Tommy says and gives her a quick kiss. After which he ducks into her room and grabs a box before leaving. He waves goodbye and is gone quickly.

Kadance and Jayse look after him for some time after he's gone.

Jayse breaks into her thoughts by saying, "Let's go practice some more." At her horrified expression he just laughs and says, "Practice, practice, practice is the name of the game and the only way to get any better." Kadance gives him another dirty look and mumbles under her breath but the words are to low for even him to hear clear enough to understand.

Looking innocent but laughing inside, "What's that Kadance?"

Kadance says nothing and turns back around to head out of the bunker for the practice area. Chuckling to himself Jayse follows in her rather huffy footsteps.

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