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"I need a name!" Kadance demands.

Candlen searches trying to match faces to files. "Got it! a Cpl Dall. Redlined for the battle that saw half a colony destroyed before they could stop the shifters."

She slows down as she comes to Cpl. Dall. He's close, very close. "Corporal," for once she's not sure how to continue.

"Ma'am," he says politely enough. Jayse tenses as he feels the violence building in the cpl.

"Corporal, I heard that you were recently discharged. I was wondering, did you by chance happen to be at the battle on Celeste?" Kadance was wracking her brains trying to remember which colony had lost so many people. She knew she had hit pay dirt as soon as she said it.

"Yes, ma'am I was there." The anger grows as does his wariness.

"My sister was there. We've had no word. Please do you know...." Kadance starts to say.

But she stops as he says, "Any civilians on Celeste on the East continent are gone. If she was there I'm sorry. We didn't get there soon enough." He braces for words. But didn't get the ones he expected.

"You came too late. That's not your fault. You got there as soon as you could." She rests her hand on his arm. "No one blames you. You got there after it was done. You took care of the shifters so the other colonists could survive. Thank you cpl." Her soft voice and sincere words melted the barrier and he finally allows himself to mourn for those that died.

She holds him, and just lets him release it all. Candlen calls Tommy and has him swing by and get Cpl. Dall's things as well.

Tommy and Amgle are strapped in and waiting by the time Kadance, Jayse, Rackem and Dall show up. Just as the shuttle goes to shut the door a military escort arrives. Kadance watches impatiently.

The Lt. comes up to Kadance and salutes. "Ma'am Gen. Rueton sends these papers and his sincerest apologies. He wishes you all a safe and pleasant trip." Kadance accepts the packet and thanks him. "Lt. he didn't really wish us a pleasant trip did he?"

The Lt. smiles, "I'm sure he would have if he had thought of it Ma'am." The Lt. and his detail debark the shuttle. As soon as they are out of the shuttle the door is shut and locked. Shortly after that the shuttle lifts off.

"Candlen, did the passage get paid for our two extras?" Kadance asks tiredly shutting her eyes. She relaxes against her seat.

"The only vacancies were the most expensive suites on board. So I upgraded us all. You, Jayse, and Tommy are now in the royal suite. And everyone else shifts upwards as well." Candlen says.

"Good the Royal suite has real baths. I need one after the morning we just had. We'll use the sitting room as our command center. Rackem I want you and Candlen to switch off on manning the equipment. I want one of you there at all times. We'll need to monitor my holdings for awhile. At least 'til everything is sorted out," Kadance sighs. "Jayse will you sort out the other assignments?" Kadance asks breathing shallowly.

Tommy at her side whispers for her ears only. She gives a nod and keeps breathing. Tommy says a little louder, "We'll be docking in about twenty minutes. Will you be able to make it that long?" Gentle concern laces his voice.

"I have to don't I? Don't worry I'll make it. Just remember I want to have a talk with you once we get settled in." Kadance's voice hardens just a bit.

"Yes, boss lady." Tommy says with tenderness as she checks out the knife prick on his neck.

Jayse chuckles and the other team members jeer Tommy. Except of course for the newbies. They are just a little confused. Borden stops long enough to say he'd explain once they are all on board their space craft.

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