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Jayse goes to the long term convalescent wing looking for Thompson. He isn't surprised to not find him in his room. Thompson hates being shut in by four walls for any length of time unless he's digging up information on something that interests him. Then it would take shells falling around him to bring him back to his surroundings. And even then he might not notice.

Jayse shakes his head at his own musings and silently laughs at himself. The anger and loss of earlier fade just a bit further calming Jayse. The searching for Tommy leads all over the hospital and allows even more time for Jayse to calm down. When he finally tracks him down he's not surprised at Tommy's location. He's only searched it three times previously. You don't find Thompson unless he wants to be found.

Thompson is seated next to an open window in a common room. This common room is much more homey than Rory's had been. After all these residents aren't as likely to go on a killing rampage as the ones in the lock down wing. Except for Thompson.

Thompson's hair is being lightly ruffled by the gentle breeze coming into the room. His face is almost blank of all emotion unless you know him well then you can see the pain and sorrow written all over his face. Jayse knows Thompson well and knows that his second duty can no longer be ignored. At least this one Thompson can share in and help with. Jayse smiles slightly noticing Thompson is also wearing the dress uniform for Sigma.

Jayse enters the common room singing Sigma Company's song. He walks slowly singing at a voice level far lower than what the company usually belted out. He takes in Thompson's new arm as Thompson stands up and faces Jayse as he joins in.

When the song finishes Thompson gives Jayse a look asking why the song now? Jayse responds, "Rory is gone. He asked for the final grace." Pain flashes across Thompson's face so quickly most would miss it, but it lingers in his eyes.

With a choked up voice that Jayse could barely hear Thompson says, "So it's down to just you and me, huh, Sarge?"

Jayse couldn't fully suppress his flinch and so Thompson isn't completely surprised by his next words. "Just you I'm afraid. I've failed the testing. They're discharging me citing that I've seen to much. Like..."

"They're saying you've redlined?" Tommy asks not surprised it happened.

"I've been told that if you decide to stay they'll give you a desk job." Thompson's face clearly shows how he feels about Jayse's words.

Jayse decides to change the subject this one being too painful. "Hey, I see you are doing well with your new prosthetic." Jayse nods at Thompson's new arm. It almost looks life like.

"Most days, at least. But it's definitely not as good as my original." Thompson says with a grimace of distaste and a voice a bit bitter.

They sit quietly lost in their thoughts until Thompson once more breaks the silence. "You know Sarge, there were times when I almost called you to give me the final grace."

Jayse looks intently at Thompson and replies quietly, "I wouldn't have given it to you. I would have bullied you back to life." Jayse closes his eyes and shudders. "Rory was broken, his mind...he's only gotten worse. For him the final grace was truly a mercy."

Thompson was watching Jayse just as closely as Jayse had him a minute ago. "Yeah, I figured as much that's why I didn't call you. I thought I'd save myself a heap of embarrassment. Every time I felt like giving up I just thought of you being at my side taunting and bullying me. It motivated me enough to fight for life."

Jayse stands and gives a mocking little bow as he says, "Glad to be of service." That reminds Jayse of the incident with the Dr. afterwards.

"Can you believe some stupid Dr. actually had the gall to stop me and yell at me about Rory?" Thompson is surprised at Jayse's humorous tone and his eyes widen in incredulous wonder at the civilian's temerity.

"He didn't." At Jayse's nod he continues, "So are they holding a funeral for him or is he now a patient?" Thompson can't stop shaking his head at the idiocy of some people.

Jayse relaxes a bit as he remembers the scene. "Neither, I just scared him half to death and warned him to never question the final grace again." Jayse pauses and gives a little snicker.

Again Thompson stares at his friend as Jayse continues, "He was all but peeing his pants when I got done with him. Then as I left the nurse gave him a few hard facts about us as well. Maybe he'll listen, the cocky idiot. Maybe he'll learn." Then they both snicker a bit. They've met too many doctors to give that idea much of a go.

The snickering dies quickly and a grim silence falls between them. They lose themselves in their thoughts until Thompson breaks the silence with his whispered words. "Sigma Company is truly gone then."

"Yes, we are the last and soon we too will be gone and Sigma will be dead." Jayse's voice is so quiet that even Thompson has to strain to hear it.

Thompson looks at Jayse in an almost panic, "I don't know what to do. All I've ever known is the armed forces and being part of Sigma Company. I know I can't handle being a paper pusher or a civilian. Sarge, what are you going to do?" Thompson's voice is panicky and thin and he barely was able to choke it out.

Jayse doesn't have any answers and only just looks at him. Thompson sees his answer there; and no answer.

After letting the silence reign for some time Jayse shakes himself from his dark thoughts. He starts singing. Soon Thompson joins him. They bid a final farewell to their comrades, their friends, their family. The tone is somber and heavy.

The civilians look at them with awe and pity. After listening to the two warriors there is none in the common room that doubt they've suffered greatly. They feel honored and privileged to have listened to their mourning ceremony. Warriors don't share their ceremonies with civilians and there is no doubt this was one.

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