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Jayse bursts his bubble. "She was raised a civilian and wants a relationship like that, one-to-one. I don't think she would go for having two spouses." He looks over at Borden. "I do appreciate your trying to help though. I'll have breakfast ready soon. Tell Tommy he can sleep after we go over the plans for the reception. Besides he needs to eat he hasn't eaten much in the last two days. But let Kadance sleep, she doesn't need to be in on the plans." Borden nods and leaves as Jayse turns back to the kitchen to throw together some food.

Soon all three of them are standing while eating and going over the various ideas for the reception. They each add in their ideas and tighten the plan up until they all agree on the plan. Tommy smiles beautifically, "This will certainly be a lovely gift for our boss lady."

Kadance comes out freshly showered and inhales deeply the smell of food. She's still towel drying her hair as she says, "Ohh, that smells delicious. Is there any left or did you all eat it up?"

Tommy looks at her with pain and slips out of the room. Borden notes his leaving as Jayse goes to the kitchen to dish up some food for Kadance. "There's more. Jayse just went to get some for you."

She thanks Borden and sits down, "What will be a lovely surprise for me?"

Borden replies, "Now it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you now would it?

"Ahhh, here comes the food now. From what I could tell you haven't eaten since I joined with you yesterday so you're probably starving."

Kadance sets her eyes on the food and reflects on Bordens words. "You're right. Not since breakfast yesterday. No wonder I'm so hungry. Are you going to join us... oh I thought Tommy was here."

"Tommy was here, but he needed some sleep. Now I need to leave to pick up the two men I requested." So saying Borden excuses himself and leaves.

Kadance sits quietly as she eats and Jayse is too lost in his thoughts to interrupt her. She finishes and they clean up. Jayse takes her outside to a spot where they can work on her small arms. She doesn't need much help with the hand guns, but her knife work Jayse can tell she'll need more than one day of practice. "Tommy should be the one helping you with the knives. He's much better with them than I am."

Kadance looks at him in surprise. Jayse takes in her look of surprise, "Hey, I give my due when someone deserves it. Tommy is incredibly talented in many things. He's far better than I in almost all weapons, definitely in explosives and ghosting. He's downright invisible when he wants to be. I haven't heard of anything that he can't find out about if he's interested. But he detests authority and hates leading. Not because he can't but because he doesn't want to be responsible for other people. When he was teaching, he took each persons death, of those he taught, personally. If they died because of an explosion anyway."

Jayse takes the weapons away, "Time to wash up. We have time to eat before our guests come calling." Kadance hesitates like she wants to ask Jayse something, but turns toward the bunker. She turns back as Jayse calls out to her.

He tosses her a bottle. "Put that on after the hottest shower you can stand. It'll help with the sore muscles."

Kadance thanks Jayse and walks into the bunker as she goes she opens the bottle curiously and smells it. The smell was horrible and she recoils from it in disgust. She was going to toss the bottle as soon as she could, but the pull on her tired muscles changed her mind. She decided to give the smelly concoction a try. After all she's supposed to be trusting her bodyguards. So with a grimace she goes to the primitive shower room and turns the water on as hot as she can.

That part of the plan was nice and she stayed in far longer than she should have just enjoying the heat of the spray on her sore muscles. By the time she's done she's debating the need for the smelly mixture, but as the heat from the shower leaves she can feel her muscles tighten and start hurting once more.

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