"Excuse me, is this where you're interviewing for nannies?" A voice says hesitantly from the doorway.

"Yes, are you interested?" Kadance says interest pricked.

"I was afraid I'd be too late," the stranger says in a rush.

"What is your name?" Kadance asks.

"Tilene, I came as quick as I could, I only found out by overhearing two of the biddies talking about how some upstart dared approach them to watch her babies," Tilene says so quickly her words threatened to pile one on top of another.

"Shh, Tilene, take a deep breath. You made it in time," Kadance says soothingly. "I take it you don't get along with them?"

"No, I only had three pregnancies. My last one, something went wrong. The six babies were born okay, but I was told I could no longer serve my people this way. It took me a year to recover. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. If I could get this job it will give me seven years to decide, as well as keep me around babies," Tilene explains.

"You like babies do you?" Kadance asks.

"Oh yes. I loved working at the creche, but I lost my place due to my long recovery," Tilene says sadly.

"Would you be willing to work and live here? Possibly travel to other planets later?" Kadance asks. She hadn't even gotten that far with the other applicants.

"Here?" Tilene's voice goes up and octave, "go off planet? Truly? Wow, yeah I'd love it. Do you think I might get hired? The biddies said Kadance was too demanding," Tilene says going from hope to fear.

"Demanding? She asked if they could care for babies. There will be seven or eight. She wanted to know if they could work with others in shifts to care for them. Can you?" Kadance asks.

"Eight babies," Tilene says reverently. "No wonder the biddies had their panties in a knot. Yes, to both questions, as long as I had others to help," Tilene answers. "Do you think she'll hire me?"

"What do you think Tommy? Kelan? Jayse?" Kadance asks.

"I like her," Tommy says. "She's cheery, will help lighten things up around here."

"Yes, she'll do well, maybe," Kelan says. "Tilene, can you deal being surrounded by eleven men on Kadance's core security and additional security on the grounds?"

"So many? Wow, yes. As long as I'm not responsible for them as well," Tilene responds.

"Only if you want to hookup with them."Jayse says to Tilene. 

"It's up to you though love," Jayse replies dryly.

Kadance sits watching Tilene during their responses. "Tommy call the others in here please." Kadance smiles, "Well Tilene, if my team doesn't scare you off, then you're hired." She pushes over a contract. "The terms of your employment. If you wish, you move in tonight. I'm not going to have the babies for at least 3 weeks to 7 weeks, but you're welcome. You'll be required to practice small arms and melee fighting everyday. No guaranteed days off, but I'm pretty reasonable. If you need a day or two off I'll usually be able to swing that.

"This is Kelan, she's the teams doctor. The man behind me is Jayse. He's my head of security and one of my husbands. The man in the window is Tommy my second in command and my other husband." The others start slipping in. "Borden is the one heading for the fireplace. Candlen is the dark haired one carrying the electronics. Rackem is the redhead next to him. Marks is the young one closest to the door. Amgle is the one with the slight limp and beautiful eyes. Dall is the tall tan one. Dest is the blond man trying to hide in the shadows. Mareton is the other one hiding. Trader likes to catch you unaware. Ah, there he is, the one out of breath. The two cubs are my nephews, Jade and Jax. They'll be done with their training soon and will be going to Alpha. Sandlee is the female, she's our physio. Maren our fabulous chef is busy making dinner, oh, she is able to join us. Everyone this is Tilene, she'll be one of the nannies." Kadance introduces everyone. "Colonel Lighten is in conference with High Command so he couldn't join us." Kadance says as everyone finishes welcoming Tilene.

"Oh, my, you've collected many fine looking men," Tilene says then blushes. "My wretched tongue," she says miserably.

Kadance smiles, "Yes, they are easy on the eyes. But if you want company stick with Borden, Candlen or Rackem. The others have been more or less paired out. Oh yes, Lighten is free too. Stay for dinner, it's ready, then I'll send Borden with you to help you pack if you want."

"Oh, wow. That would be nice," Tilene says with wide eyes.

"Tilene, my group are all redliners, soldiers, most are ex suiciders. The exception being the females. They respect women, but they are still fairly rough around the edges. If they offend it's not intentional. Also they can be pretty dense when it comes to females so you have to tell them if they've offended. Okay?" Kadance warns. Tilene nods.

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