"You're right he is a mother hen," Tommy whispers sourly as he sits down.

Kadance chuckles, "And you're just as bad, when you're not being mothered. Chill out Tommy, he just cares about us." Kadance takes the fruit bowl offered and eats quickly. "Thank you Jayse." She says handing it back. He hands her some water. Sighing she drinks it down." Thank you, now we need to get started again."

The line hadn't diminished much by the time she called a break for lunch. "I didn't realize there were so many. I've already helped what 12-15? Yet it looks like I haven't helped any." She says as they leave the room.

"I don't think they're all suiciders. I think some of them just want to meet you," Borden says.

"Ahh, I see. Okay, fair enough. But not today, set it up for tomorrow afternoon, a meet and greet. That should give me enough time to finish the suiciders," Kadance says to Borden.

"Yes, Ma'am," Borden responds.

As they walk into the apartment Tommy and Kadance eat quickly. Tommy falls asleep on the couch and Jayse escorts Kadance to their room. "I should leave him here."

"No, you shouldn't, Jayse. He has to be there. Just let him rest while I rest. We'll both be ready in an hour," Kadance says lightly kissing him.

About midway through the afternoon a Sgt Quinlin comes before Kadance. Suddenly he snaps and pulls a knife. He avoids Jayse's knife, but Tommy's gun next to his head freezes him.

"Stand down Jayse. Sgt. Quinlin, stand down!" Kadance snaps out. As the battle alertness leaves Quinlin, Kadance continues, "The only person I've ever seen move that fast is Jayse. Tommy stand down. Sgt Quinlin is fine now. I owe all three of you an apology. I should have moved Quinlin up the line. I could tell he was close, I'm sorry. I think I'd better have Dunworthy Holdings work on body armor. It doesn't work as well with knives."

"Well enough, Kadance. You're only nicked. Easily cleaned up," Jayse says as Kadance fingers the knife hole in her armor.

"Stand down Jayse, as you said it's only a nick," Kadance says laying a calming hand on Jayse.

"Tommy, Quinlin is no threat now, stand down, please," Kadance says softly.

Fire burning in his eyes Tommy replaces his gun. But his eyes never leave Quinlin. Kadance touches his arm, and the fire calms down, "Thank you."

"Well Quinlin, you've been a suicider for ten years and you pick now to let loose. Interesting that," Kadance says. "Tell me what happened."

"I'm not sure. I was fine up until I snapped. Then all I wanted to do was take you down," Kadance looks at him appraisingly.

"Was it me specifically or just that I was in front of you?" Kadance pushes.

"I don't know. I've been waiting patiently for my turn. I saw you yesterday and all day today with no problem. Then I get before you and boom! I want to kill you. Tunnel vision, paid no attention to the body guards," Quinlin explains.

Tommy and Jayse are troubled. That's not how a normal suicider goes. They go hyper aware, notice everything and how to use or avoid it.

"How do you feel now Sgt?" Jayse asks.

"Fine, like I've had a good nights sleep," Quinlin replies.

"Any feelings of wanting to kill Kadance now?" Tommy questions.

"No, all desire for that is gone," Quinlin replies.

"Good, then you're good to go," Kadance states. Tommy gets on his comset and has Rackem do a search.

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