Kelan stops the exam and holds her. Kadance hugs her as well. "No blame to you Baron," Kelan says consolingly. "You did the best you could."

"They forced me to do illegal things, for three years they've kept me here." She looks at Kadance, "When you killed your uncle I cheered and they panicked. They've been making all kinds of plans, but they can't hide from me. They've been in contact with shifters, but I don't know for how long. Lately it's been strangely quiet on that end."

"They got their butts kicked when they did a full invasion of Camp. It's something they'll not quickly recover from," Kadance says a slight smile playing about her lips.

"They attacked Camp?" horror fills Baron's eyes

"Yes, fortunately they tried to assassinate me first. My people found out about it and we were able to decimate their forces," Kadance's reply is meant to be soothing to the horror filled girl.

"No wonder they're terrified of you. They call you the woman that can't be killed. You have Candlen and Rackem from intel. They are very good, but Thompson, he's the only one to ever break my program."

"And he's the best ghost man around," Kadance says smugly. She turns sad, "He nearly died because of those shifters."

"How can he be so good then?" Baron asks and Kelan resumes her exam.

"Most of my ghost men were pinned down by shifters. They were inside keeping them away from me. The only ghoster free came and tossed a popper. It killed all the shifters but gave concussions to the ghosters. Well it all started internal bleeding on Tommy. He'd taken astray shot on Planex and had to have surgery. Maybe that weakened him or maybe all the concussions were just too much. For days he hovered between life and death.

"He started recovering, walking again, at least a little when Rueton pulled his little test," Kadance spits out.

"Kadance, calm down, it's not good for the babies. What's done is done," Kelan soothes.

Kadance pulls herself together and takes a deep breath. "He started bleeding again and set back his recovery quite a bit."

Kelan snorts, "He's been an ornery bear ever since. I'll be glad once he's back to normal." Kelan mutters almost to herself, "Your husbands can be impossible sometimes Kadance."

"I know, but I suppose it could be worse," Kadance replies sighing loudly.

"Yeah, one of you could die. Now wouldn't that be fun," Kelan says sarcastically. "Not."

"You're married to two men, double bonded?" Baron is totally distracted by this news. Her eyes are wide with surprise.

Kadance smiles and her face softens, "Yes, both Jayse and Tommy."

"Stopped Jayse cold as he went suicidal on Gaia. Stupid civies always pay attention to the wrong things. That's when she was offered the chance to become a warrior citizen. Have to say that hand print she left on his face, beautiful," Kelan says smiling in memory.

"You slapped Jayse? When he was suicidal?" Baron's eyes widen and her voice goes up in register as she speaks. "You stopped and then slapped a suicider?"

Kadance just shrugs, "By the time I slapped him he wasn't suicidal anymore. He kissed me without permission and I wasn't warrior class yet."

"You, as a civilian stopped a suicider and slapped him?" Baron's awe is complete. "You are one lucky lady."

Kelan snorts, "You have no idea. Almost every member, male member that is, of the team are or were suiciders. She came close to losing two, but managed to bring them back. Dall actually knocked her down. She saved his life by telling Jayse to stand down. Jayse is fast, very fast. He'd of made an excellent ghoster if he'd gone that route. You should watch the home movies as Kadance calls them, they're incredible.

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