"He was the best ghost, but he preferred leading. No one ever saw him unless he wanted to be seen," Tommy adds in.

"Yeah, but he couldn't do explosives. No one could say why. But he knew where to have them placed. They started sending Sigma to the worse battles, forlorn hopes, because he brought hope.

"Sigma survived time after time. They had a few die yes, as the assignments became more and more dangerous. But he brought back more men than any thought possible," Jayse says reverently.

"You are doing a fine job of leading too Jayse," Kadance says. "I can tell you must try to be like this man. So why was he redlined?"

Jayse shivers and pulls back to the here and now. "Forty years of continual fighting. Ten years in the heaviest, dirtiest, and worst fighting possible. Ten years feeling responsible for each death. It just took its toll. They redlined him and he disappeared."

"Rumor has it he's on Luna Two. Far from fighting, far from the death of friends," Tommy says.

"It's possible. They did say tropical locales always seemed to attract him," Jayse says thoughtfully.

"Forty years in the war, twenty out. I don't know, if he's still alive he's pretty old," Kadance says thoughtfully. "He's not likely to be in any kind of shape to deal with leading my Holdings." Kadance has to stop because they were both laughing so hard.

"Kadance," Jayse says trying hard to control his laughter. "You wouldn't know this, there are so few old soldiers about, we are bred for war. The abilities that make us great fighters also give us longer lives and better health. Redliners can live very long lives. That's why we are becoming such a problem. Especially when they are as young as Marks. Tanker has maybe hit midlife. Maybe. Sometime around one hundred forty to one hundred fifty is the average age for redliners. He's still likely to be just as sharp and uncanny as before. And since it's conditioned in us to constantly push ourselves he won't be out of shape either. Unless something happened to him of course."

Tommy brings himself under control, "You're biggest problem Kadance, is convincing him to take on the job. Speaking as a ghostman, the freedom he is enjoying would be hard to give up."

Kadance smiles slyly, "Ah, but he preferres leading. Would cleaning up Dunworthy Holdings be enough of a challenge to him do you think?"

"Presented in the right way, it just might," Jayse says thoughtfully.

"Yeah, but presentation is everything. Very likely he'll hold great sway among the redliners on Luna Two. You'll need to convince him first. Then the others likely will follow along," Tommy cautions.

"What about suiciders?" Kadance asks worriedly.

"They'll come to you for that, but to be hired get Tanker first," Jayse says confidently.

"This is getting to be a bigger headache than I thought it would." Kadance says rubbing her temples.

"If you bring him on board, you'd never have to worry about corruption. He can't abide it. He expects and demands upright legal dealings. You're biggest problem on bringing on board is he doesn't think much of civilians. He thinks they're a corrupt, ungrateful people. Too into their little nothing lives. There are very few of them he tolerates. He would've despised your uncle," Tommy says.

"Well he can join the club on that one." Kadance says laying her head back and closing her eyes.

"He has great respect for our women. Especially the pregnant ones. He goes out of his way to help them. You know Kadance we can have some pregnancy clothes made up from the body armor. It's time you got some anyway, you are becoming more and more obviously pregnant. By Luna Two you'll look radiantly pregnant," Jayse says thoughtfully.

Kadance glares at him. Tommy speaks quickly, "You already look radiant Kadance. What Jayse is so clumsily saying, is it's time to stop hiding the pregnancy. You can use it to your advantage. He'll see you as a civilian first, but after being around you he'll never remember you were a civilian a year ago. If any could match him it'd be you Stefi. He'll respect you."

"Thanks. I think I'll lie down now. I've got a raging headache," Kadance says getting up.

"Wait Kadance," Tommy says. "I want to check on the cubs. Jayse will you hand me some clothes?" Jayse hands him the clothes and Tommy is able to put his uniform top on without help, but needs help with the bottoms. He sits in the wheelchair to do up the shoes and Jayse is the one to help him. Kadance stands waiting impatiently.

"Okay, ready. Jayse if you'll bring this." Tommy says with distaste waving at the wheelchair I'll walk as far as I can." Tommy stands once more and starts walking.

He goes slowly forward and Kadance rolls her eyes. "Kadance, peace, why are you so upset?" Tommy asks clearly confused at her change in demeanor.

"Ask one of the females, they'll tell you," Kadance replies shortly and impatiently.

"Kadance, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you but you don't need to take it out on Tommy. Look at him. This is the furthest he's managed to walk and he needs encouragement." Jayse whispers to Kadance.

Kadance watches Tommy laboriously walk down the corridor. "I'm sorry Tommy." Guilt edges her voice, "You are doing wonderful, at this rate you'll be back in form in no time." Kadance is sincere in her words and Tommy perks up.

"Thanks Stefi. Jayse, I need that chair now." Tommy says smiling at Kadance. Jayse quickly gets the chair behind Tommy and he sinks into it thankfully. Kadance sees him shaking visibly and contritely folds up the walker.
"Jayse you missed it. Kelan did whatchamacallit pictures of the babies. You could see them so clearly. There are so many. It looked like there was more than six to me. They are so tiny, so perfect," Tommy says enthusiastically.

"And so active," Kadance adds in. "I'm starting to feel them almost constantly."

Jayse listens enthralled. "You could see them individually?"

"Yes. Each tiny person," Tommy says.

"Kelan wants to ground me soon," Kadance says softly.

"Not until after Luna Two, Kadance," Tommy says.

"Could you tell what you're having Kadance?" Jayse asks eagerly.

Kadance smiles wryly. "No, not yet. But I'm sure I have some of each in there. Maybe my next check up." She says as they enter HQ. She leans the walker against the wall by the door. Then she goes to her room.

Jayse and Tommy look at each other in confusion. Kelan and Sandlee come over and confront them. "What did you say to Kadance to make her so sad?" Kelan demands. "She was happy when I left her."

"We just talked about Tanker. Then how her pregnancy would be in her favor with him, that she should accentuate it," Jayse says confused.

Kelan and Sandlee both narrow their eyes at them. "Just how did you phrase that?" Sandlee demands.

"That she's showing nicely now, by then she'll be radiantly pregnant," Jayse says helplessly.

Kelan and Sandlee glare at the both. "I'd slap you both if I thought Kadance would tolerate it. She's carrying six maybe, possibly more babies. She's feeling huge and ugly.

You sit there talking about how she should show more huge. She needs reassurance on how beautiful she is. She's gone through so many major changes this last year. She needs to be loved. Most women feel awkward, ungainly and unwanted during pregnancy. Especially when she'll be too big for sex. With that many kids it won't take long until she's at that stage," Kelan lays into them.

Jayse and Tommy cringe. "Let's go Tommy. We've got a lot of apologizing to do." Jayse takes the chair to the door. Kadance has locked it so Tommy takes out his comset and seconds later the door unlocks.

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