"No problem. That'll be ready in just minutes. You want me to add Alpha's little chat with Admiral Jannsen?" Lighten thinks about it.

"Why don't you, at least the pertinent parts. Also add in where the Admiral authorizes me to get you guys back," Rackem nods and gets to work.

Lighten asks Candlen, "Can you get things set up so it's a planet wide broadcast?"

"No problem. You want the warships to receive it as well?" Candlen asks wanting to know just how much fun he gets to do.

He smiles when he hears Lighten's reply, "Might as well. They should know the truth. We were all caught up by Rueton, we all deserve to know the truth."

"Students, parents, instructors and guests welcome. This year has been different and more exciting than years past. I'm just thankful we are holding these graduation excersizes. These will be the last ones held here. Already preparations are underway to relocate.

"Our students just days ago had the opportunity to participate in a real defense against a shifter attack. I'm pleased to say that they all acquitted themselves very well. Many earning extra honors for their graduation.

"Tonight we have the honor to have Colonel Lighten of MI to speak to us. Colonel," Lighten has a hurried discussion with Candlen while the Compound Commander was giving his introduction.

Lighten gets up and goes to the podium. "Hello everyone, I'm delighted to speak to you all this evening. The Commander," Lighten cues Candlen, "has talked about the recent fight." Scenes from the battle take place behind him as he speaks.

"There wouldn't have been a fight had we not received some information vital to us. During an assassination attempt on Kadance her team intercepted and decrypted the information that the shifters were going to attack not just the planets in this sector, but target the Training Camp specifically.

"Her team alerted officials of all planets in this sector, and HQ in Gaia. They raced here as quickly as possible. Under the direction and instruction of Corp. Thompson, Sigma Company's explosives expert, they managed to set enough traps to destroy 90% of the shifters that managed to land." Behind him explosion after explosion decimates shifter forces.

"Alpha Company working with Compound forces were able to destroy most of the remaining shifters. However, some large groups were able to get past the excellent defense of both Alpha and Compound. Kadance's security team took up the final defense. Not one of her ghost went unscratched." The scene where Dest throws his popper is up. "Several had concussions, one broke his ankle, and one nearly dies of internal bleeding. That one being Corporal Thompson, who was fighting after taking injuries from the assassination attempt.

"During that battle General Rueton claimed the team had gone rogue. There was no evidence of such an accusation. On the contrary, they laid their lives on the line defending Camp.

"Kadance with notes from her deceased sister, who died protecting her sons and others as they were preparing to come here, found a way to increase warrior births three times the current birth rate.

"Her team found the cure to the vampire parasite that Kadance herself was struck with. Knowledge Rueton had withheld.

"About three days ago Rueton set a trap for this team and myself. You see Rueton found out I was investigating him. His actions had become erratic. Rueton set it up so that the bio alarms would go off, he set them so it would show me as a shifter. He was hoping Kadance's team would kill me out of hand, proving they were rogue." The scenes he was talking about shifted across the background. The crowd gasps at how quickly Jayse moves.

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