"Perhaps, but that's not our problem. More then likely they'll relocate the Training Camp now that those buggers have found it," Jayse retorts distracted.

"True that, hold up, Compound is doing a running battle that's coming this way. They report that it's a large group," Alpha reports the same time Jayse receives the same report.

"Why don't you go help them Alpha? Leave some of your men here out of the way of the blast. If you herd them up the corridor we'll let the last toy take care of them. Just make sure your men are safe, I think Tommy may have experimented with this one," Jayse orders.

"Roger," Alpha says and cuts the link.

Shortly gunfire is heard down the corridor. "Brace yourselves for this blast, it's a doozy," Tommy says smiling just before the blast rocks the building. It is by far the biggest explosion of the day.

Jayse gives Tommy a dirty look even as he gets on the com to Alpha, "Alpha, are your men safe?" Jayse demands.

"Merciful heavens above, yes. But half the walls are gone," Alpha reports.

"We can live with that," Jayse says dryly.

"Compound report," Jayse says.

"Alpha took over and kept us safe. What in blazes was that?" Compound leader asks in awe.

"Tommy's toy, but it was his last one. Any more unfriendlies wanting to party?" Jayse asks tension knotting up his muscles.

"Just mop up left," Alpha reports.

"Good. Alpha would you mind keeping this floor cleared? Half my team is down, including all my ghosts," Jayse requests.

"Be happy to help, any of them serious?" Alpha inquires.

"Naw, we're too stubborn for that, bruised and broken a bit but still alive and kicking." Tommy calls out before wincing from the headache that's taken root behind his eyes.

"Oh, shit. There's a group coming your way. My men can't keep them out,"  Alpha says.

"Fallback and hit them from behind we'll take them from the front," Jayse says to Alpha then turns to the team. "Okay guys, get ready we're about to have company."

Dest takes up a position by the door and waits for a large group even as he hears gunfire. He opens the door and throws out his grenade. He gets the door closed just before the blast.

"That wasn't big enough to take them all out boss, but it sure helped," Dest says.

"Good job, Dest now get to your defensive position. Kadance, stay as far down as you can please?" Jayse orders. Kadance nods then lays down arms over her head.

An explosion outside the door sends it flying in pieces inside the room. Immediately gunfire is exchanged.

Tommy starts swearing, "They shot my hand, now I can't use it."

That sends Kadance jumping up. She sees a shifter aiming directly for Tommy. Without thought she has the knife in hand and throws it. The shifter goes down with her knife in its eye. Shortly after that the fight is over.

"Nice shot Aunt Kadance," Jade says after.

"Cool, didn't know you could do that," Jax adds.

"Thank you," Tommy says. "I appreciate it. However, that was the most foolish thing you could have done!" Tommy starts yelling, the others melt away.

"When Tommy is done, then I get my turn," Jayse says through gritted teeth. "Right now I'm dealing with this mop up mess."

Tommy grabs her arm and takes her into their room. "Do you have any idea how badly you scared Jayse and me? Do you? It's our job to protect you, to keep them away from you. You defied Jayse's order, if you're going to do that we'll keep you locked in your room or evac you." Tommy's anger dissipates but he's still scared at what could have happened.

"If we have to worry about you putting yourself in danger for us, it distracts us. That puts us in even more danger." Kadance looks at him, mute in her distress. Tommy caresses her face. "You very nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you stand up. It made me hesitate when I needed to move." And with that Kadance starts to cry.

"I couldn't let them kill you Tommy," Kadance gets out between sobs.

Tommy sighs, "I know Stefi, but next time trust in us, your team, to keep each other and you safe okay? Doing something like that could get someone or someones killed," Tommy says wiping away her tears. Kadance nods her acceptance and her sobs calm down.

"Stefi, Stefi stop. By now Jayse is done, I gotta go see if anyone here can fix my hand. Jayse is going to be in a foul mood." Tommy says as he wakes Kadance up. "My suggestion is to meet him standing up, wrapped only in the sheet. That'll get things turned around quickly. Be good, love you," Tommy slips off the bed and out of the room.

Tommy waves at Jayse and heads out the door or rather doorway since there is no longer a door. He whistles soundlessly at the destruction and gives a smile of satisfaction. Work well done.

Jayse watches Tommy leave and gives a sigh of relief. He'd just finished going over the minutia of after battle crap. He was starting to have a hard time keeping things controlled.

Dest had already left with Kelan and Maren took off with Candlen. He gives Rackem and Borden orders then slips into his room.

"Tommy already read me the riot act," Kadance says. "I'm sorry Jayse, I reacted instinctively. I didn't mean to disobey or put anyone in danger. I really am sorry."

Kadance's words stop Jayse cold. As the sheet drops all thoughts leave altogether. Her scent overwhelms his self control. There are no further words spoken, at least not for quite some time.

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