"He'll need at least ten more minutes before he can move or his set ribs won't stay set." Kelan says defeated.

"I can give him that," Jayse agrees. "Amgle, Dest you two about done? We leave in ten," Jayse says.

"We're at the last two now. It's a lot faster with instructions. One down and one to go boss," Amgle replies.

"Everyone else load up the conveyance with our gear. We leave in five," Jayse orders the silent team.

"Jayse a group of about twenty shifters coming our way," Amgle says.

"Just leave that last toy and high tail it back here and when I say run I mean run. That last toy will take care of the shifters, but if you don't get clear it will take care of you two as well." They acknowledge his orders and he mutters under his breath, "I hope they get far enough away."

Two minutes later a blast was heard and felt as it knocked over even those sitting down. "Amgle, Dest report," Jayse demands nervously immediately afterwards.

Dest replies, "Oh my that was beautiful, pure poetry. Think Tommy would teach me that one?"

Jayse snorts, "Ask him yourself, where are you two?"

"We're coming in now," Amgle says in pain, "I'll need the doc to wrap my ankle once we're on board ship. That blast threw us a good twenty feet, but my foot caught on something and that didn't want to give," pain is evident in his voice. "We're here, we'll just load ourselves in the conveyance now."

"Roger, we're on our way," Jayse says signing off. "Borden, Marks and Trader you're with me. The rest get in formation with Maren at Kadence's side. Load up." They troop out, Kelan staying with Jayse.

"Okay, carefully use the sheet." They each take a corner and hold the sheet as tight as they can. The stretcher is on the other cot in the room and they gently transfer Tommy to it. "Carefully gentlemen, if we hurt Tommy, Kadance will have our hides." Jayse holds his breath until the transfer is complete.

Kelan goes before them to make sure the pathway is clear. Jayse is starting to sweat. He really hates the idea of moving Tommy so soon but they have no choice and Tommy wouldn't want them to wait. The maneuver through the door makes them all sweat a bit, the stretcher barely clears the door. Once through they are able to quickly load Tommy and the rest into the conveyance.

Kelan waits until the others have loaded and holds Jayse back, "You care for him as much as Kadance does."

"He's the only family I have left. If we had, had time we would have stayed, but he'd never forgive me if we stayed and others died. This is important Kelan, they are going to strike a full force attack on training Camp. If that attack succeeds it would destroy us." Jayse's eyes are haunted.

Kelan can only squeeze his arm and climb in the conveyance. Jayse climbs into the drivers seat and takes the controls. "Hold on everyone this is likely to get bumpy. Make sure that Tommy stays as still as possible. I'll be taking this as fast as I can. The commander will be giving us cover fire." Jayse says even as he brings the conveyance out from its cover. Once oriented in the direction he wants he sets it off full throttle.

"We're on our way," Jayse says to the commander on his com link. Suddenly explosions and bullets fire increases. The concussions from the explosions throw the conveyance around. "Make sure Tommy is secured back there," Jayse yells. "This is getting a bit wild." Jayse yells something over the link. He fights the bucking of the conveyance expertly and almost losing a couple of times but managing to bring it back under control again. They finally make it out of the fighting zone.

"Thanks Commander. We're out, you should quit teasing them now. Your boys missed some earlier, about twenty got through. One of Tommy's toys took them out. There's info left in our bunker that you should know."

"My boys have gotten soft. Thanks for this training diversion. Now that there's no one we care about out there we can finish up. Good luck and tell Thompson he should duck more." The commander signs off.

They arrive at the shuttle port just as the crew of the shuttle come out. Everyone jumps out and starts grabbing gear.

Amgle hops down and leans on Maren's shoulder. Kadance has their gear added to her box and they all quickly load up the shuttle. Tommy then everyone else gets secured and just as they finish ten more men carrying several kits enter the shuttle and more kits were seen outside waiting to be brought on and loaded.

Jayse, Marks, Borden, Dest and Mareton undo their restraints and go to help the new comers load the gear. Once all the gear is loaded he orders the men to get situated and hardly gives anyone time before he gives the order to go as quickly as possible.

"Sir, what's the big rush?" One asks once he finishes securing himself and the shuttle launches more quickly than normal.

"Shifters, are planning a major assault." Jayse replies absently readjusting the sheet that has slipped off Tommy. But not before the others saw the huge bruise on his back and the recent surgery cut on his back.

"Good heavens, what happened to him?" Another exclaims.

"Shifters, a stray bullet hit him and he had to have emergency surgery to repair the ribs." Jayse picks up and tosses over Tommy's damaged shirt. "The bullet didn't make it through the body armor, but got his ribs pretty bad."

Searching the back of the shirt they find the indentation from the bullet. They look back at Jayse wide eyed.

"He walked away because of this armor and because he's too stubborn to die."

One swallows, "If he hadn't had the armor..."

"My brother would have died with a large hole in his back and no chest left." Jayse finishes for them. "The rules have changed, they're not playing nice anymore.

"You got left behind when your captain had to go play with a shifter war ship. They were launching missiles at us for the information we intercepted. You'll get your turn to play too. I just hope you guys are good. You'll be outnumbered badly, we all will be," Jayse says somberly.

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