Jayse jumps on that, "Mostly?"

"Yes, sir. The rest is either shifters or Tommy. Knowing Tommy my guess is both," Rackem says dryly.

Jayse claps him on the shoulder, giving him a tight smile, "You're likely right.

"Tommy what is going on out there?" Jayse demands setting up the secure link to do so.

"Just a little target practice. It seems our shifter friends want to give our warrior friends some fun. But they're not playing nice. The missiles are ship launched. Just how in the hells did they bring in a whole warship without detection? Anyway I'm a bit busy right now old boy. How about asking the good captain for a wee bit of help? The ground forces are covered. Sorry you can't come and play." Tommy says quite happily even as gunfire is heard in the background.

"Tommy don't take chances, our Lady Faire is worried sick. She'll be furious with you if you get hurt," Jayse warns.

Tommy sobers immediately, "No games Jayse, I'll be back just as whole and healthy as I left. But this is part of me and I can't deny who I am. This is my life."

Jayse whispers, "I know, so does she but she's still worried. Keep us updated."

"Will do, oops gotta go. No worries, no way the ground troops'll get through." Tommy laughs and cuts the link.

"Jayse I have the Captain online," Borden says.

Jayse links to the call, "Captain is your crew ready for some action?" Jayse asks calmly. Another overhead explosion sends him to ducking reflexively. "It seems that a shifter warship managed to make its way here. We're pinned down and Tommy is playing with the ground troops, we could use a little help."

The captain looks amused, "Boy you guys are just full of fun aren't you?" The Captain turns and yells out some orders. "We just received the 'official' report. We're on our way. I don't like the idea of them being around my family. Then we'll swing back and pick you guys up. How's that sound?" The captain asks jovially.

"Sounds good to me," Jayse says as he ducks another explosion that rocks the bunker. "See you soon." Jayse cuts the connection. The captain was already giving out the commands as the line goes dead.

"Mareton, have you gotten that twice damned locator signal stopped yet?" Jayse snarls out. He doesn't like feeling caged and that's exactly what he is right now.

"No, sir. However, I've finally isolated the frequency. I can block it and leave our com frequencies open." Mareton works even as he talks, "Done sir."

"Thank you, that should help a bit." Jayse says climbing back to his feet. That last blast had caught him while he wasn't well balanced.

"Candlen turn all fight surveillance to Rackem. I want you back on the deciphering of that info. These guys don't want us to find something out, find out what that something is. They very likely have a destruct trigger in there, I don't know why they haven't activated it yet. But if they are as paranoid as Tommy there'll be several," Jayse says in even tones.

"No one is as paranoid as Tommy," Candlen mutters under his breath. "I certainly hope not at least. I still haven't been able to crack all of Tommy's security."

Now Jayse is amused. "You've tried to get into Tommy's files?" He laughs. "I'll have to apologize to him. I thought he was just being his paranoid self." Jayse sobers, "Stay out of our files. You may not like what you find."

Mareton and Candlen work together at cracking the shifter code and other than the occasional bout of swearing they keep to themselves.

"Jayse, I'm coming in. The regulars can finish off this bunch. There's only about a thousand here." Tommy starts swearing. "Damn a stray bullet caught me. Since when did shifters start using large caliber bullets? That's going to hurt for days. Okay I'm at the door, it's just me so don't freak and shoot," Tommy cuts the link as he walks in.

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