"They'll be there in five. Tommy take my advice, you're about to fall over yourself you should get some shut eye as well." The captain says softly, "You look like hell."

Tommy gives a half smile fairly sure he hadn't been meant to hear that last part. "Thanks." He turns serious, "Take my advice, never double bond."

"Tommy wake up. Why didn't you come to bed if you're tired?" Kadance says standing over the couch where Tommy had crashed, hours earlier.

"Hey, my Lady Faire. Because you needed your sleep. I'll go in there once housekeeping cleans up. However, you'll be going here." Tommy hands her Jayse's room key card. He escorts her down to Jayse's room. "He still needs you if you're up to it."

Kadance reaches to caress his face, and Tommy backs away. "No, Kadance please? This is testing my resolve and self control to the limits as it is. He needs you now. Please, go to him." Kadance nods and slips inside the room. Tommy remains standing in front of the door clenching and unclenching his teeth.

Tommy whirls around ready to explode into the person as he hears, "How do you stand it?" An innocent Holdings security guard asks him.

Tommy replies through gritted teeth, "With extreme difficulty. Now I'm going to take the coldest possible shower I can and hope to heaven that housekeeping finally shows up. I'm going to have some words with that manager about this. I told him we needed housekeeping soonest and that was hours ago." Tommy is barely holding it together and the strain is definitely showing. His body is tightly sprung and the littlest thing could easily set him off.

Once Tommy was out of earshot the security guard calls up management, "Get housekeeping up to the penthouse yesterday. Drop everything, I don't care what is going on and get as many housekeepers up here as you can. The Security team for Kadance is too on edge and there will be damage soon if you don't. And I doubt the only damage will be to property."

"We've got a breach in security." Rackem yells out. Jayse responds immediately demanding to know where and what. "Financials and personal files of Heath. They're trying to delete them. But I setup phantom files they have to get through first."

"Who is it?" Candlen asks in mild interest. It would take someone really good to get past Rackem's security. That and he'd set some extra safeguards as well. He didn't think civies had the know how to breach these measures.

"Backtracking this guy now. Damn, this guy is good. My worm program launched once it was hacked into, but so far he's managed to evade it." Rackem says as he types furiously. "Ah ha! Gotchya. The link is from someone in this hotel, the room next to where Jayse was."

Candlen gets busy, "Room was let out today to a ..." Candlen's voice drops off. This draws more attention than if he had shouted.

Jayse says impatiently "Who?" When Candlen doesn't finish. In response Candlen shows him the screen. Jayse swears. "Mareton, Trader you're with me. Everyone else except Rackem and Candlen grab your things and Kadance's. Tommy get her out of here. Take her to our alternate site." What's unspoken is that the others would grab the things of Jayse and Rackem and Candlen.

Tommy nods and they all race to gather their things. "Rackem, Candlen keep up with Security on this. Once I signal the all clear grab our kits and yours and meet us in the lobby." Jayse's eyes turn cold and hard. "We'll be stopping by the warrior compound on the way to our second location." By the time Jayse stops speaking Tommy is leading Kadance and the others out of the room.

Jayse and his small team go ahead of the others and wait outside the room's door. Jayse gives the signal and Candlen sends the unlock transmission. They slip in silently checking for traps before moving forward. They evade or disarm four of them before reaching the master room. Jayse shoots the tranq dart just as she looks up. She slumps down before she can do anything.

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