Kadance is unable to keep the tears from falling, "Many of us have lost family or friends either to the more recent parasitic attack or to the shifter attacks. Many if not most could have either been prevented or been minimized had this information not been given out.

"I, myself, almost lost my life to the parasite and I did lose a sister to a shifter attack right in front of my eyes. He was responsible for both.

"So among Dunworthy Holdings I call for a moment of silence to remember our lost and dead and invite all members of both societies to join us," Kadance says.

After a few minutes she speaks again, "Thank you. Dunworthy Holdings will be building memorials to all those that died due to either betrayal on each planet affected. We are requesting the names of the dead so that they might be listed. We want to honor as many as possible so we are asking that all names be submitted to Briggs, CEO, of Dunworthy Holdings. Briggs is located on our home planet of Gaia. We wish to honor both the civilians and the warriors without whom we'd all be dead," she says indicating the warriors.

"They dedicate their lives to protect us all." With that she steps down. Tommy gently escorts her from the ballroom her team forming up around her. Jayse stays behind to answer questions.

"Sigma Company was killed because of him." Kadance says in a flat tone. "Tommy would you design a monument to them?"

Tommy kneels in front of her, "It will be my pleasure and an honor Boss Lady." Tommy gets up and holds her close. Kadance is trying really hard to not let the tears come.

She speaks to the rest of the team once she is sure that her voice won't fail her. "I want each of you to design a monument. Kelan would you design one for all the victims of the vampire parasite?" Kelan nods.

"Each planet, each colony will receive the same monument. For everyone else choose a colony with a battle created by the traitor's information. It will be to honor both societies. Jayse, will you design the one for my sisters battle?" By then Jayse has rejoined them and nods his acceptance of her assignment.

"It would be my honor Lady Faire. She fought bravely as did you and many others that day," Jayse says giving her a bow.

"Other than the ones designed by my team the monuments will be modified versions of Jayse's." Kadance finishes. "I'm going to lay down now. Your time is yours." She retreats to her room and locks her door. Tommy and Jayse look at each other and sigh.

"Kadance come on, time to eat," Tommy says. "You can't miss any meals, you're barely keeping even. Babies are doing all the weight gain."

"I'm not hungry Tommy, just leave me alone," Kadance says tiredly.

"No, can do Boss Lady. Either you open up or I'll open it. Either way you'll be eating with us, which will it be?" Tommy asks politely.

"You wouldn't!" Kadance says with a gasps sitting upright on the bed.

"I would and will and you know it. Your health is important to us. You need to eat. Your babies need you to eat. So which will it be love?" Tommy asks cheerfully.

"I just want to be alone," Kadance says desperately.

Tommy softens his voice, "After dinner you can be alone again, I promise. Now open up or on the count of three I'll open it up." Tommy says his voice no longer soft.

Kadance opens it as he starts counting. She huffily walks over to the dining table and sits down. She refuses to look at or talk to anyone.

Tommy says to Jayse, "Wow I didn't know our boss lady could do such a good imitation of a two year old. She's very good isn't she?" The team members all smile and don't try to hide it.

"I'm surprised she's not kicking and screaming," Jayse responds.

Tommy qualifies, "Naw that's a temper tantrum. She'd have done that if I had, had to get her. No, this is a full on pout. I've known kids to keep it up for hours. I wonder how long an adult can hold it." The team all look at Kadance curiously as she eats.

Kadance sighs and puts down her fork. "I am being childish aren't I?" She looks up at her team. "I'm sorry, none of you deserve that."

"That's alright boss lady, we all act stupidly at times. We still love you," Tommy pipes up.

Jayse just rolls his eyes at Tommy. "We're just worried about you boss lady. Everyone needs some alone time, but remember you're not alone okay?"

"I know that," Kadance sighs. "I appreciate that and I thank everyone for that. This is just hitting me hard, you know. And something just isn't adding up. Mr. Heath has been betraying locations for years. Yet the parasite is fairly recent, so what has his payment been before that?"

Trader breaks the silence that falls with her question, "There's a plant he's been given. This plant when smoked is mood altering. As a drug used like this it's highly addictive. Already he's been starting withdrawals. The warriors set to guard him have reported agonizing screams from him. There is no relief except more of the drug. He'll be in agony up until he's executed." The team even Kelan smile grimly at this news.

"I don't know something is still off. I just can't pinpoint what that something is. How'd he get into contact with shifters in the first place? They kill us on sight or use us for experimentation." Kadance muses even as she reluctantly starts eating. She really has no appetite now.

Mareton, Trader, Amgle and Tommy trade looks then look to Jayse. Jayse gives his nod of approval.

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