The letter

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Baram POV;

I asked Guifto-chan to let me brow her car so, I could take a look at my old house. It took me 1 hour and a half to get there, it still feels like traveling.

I took my keys to open the door, but it didn't, like something from the inside block it. I did my best to open it and, after 10 minutes I did it finally.

When I opened the door, the things that were blocking it were a lot of letters and journal papers.

I took the journals and put them away, I grab some of the letters, the most of them were from haters, I just rolled my eyes while reading them:

"Just die" "Stay away from RM oppa" "Don't even come near BTS again". Things like that, I was familiar with those so I didn't feel bad at all. But there were not just haters letters, I found a letter in a colorful envelop:

Dear Baram;

This letter is writing by all BTS members. Just to make you know, we're not your sunbais, we are friends. We know that you did leave for our sake but, we can't endure the pain of a leaving friend. It's not the right choice. We did leave you in LA and we don't know where you are now. We searched for you in your family house but, they just said that you're not a member of KIM family anymore. We tried to contact you, we're so worried about you and how you're doing, we miss you. We know that you're hurting like us. Tell us where you are when you read this letter.

We will always love you.


I set on the floor and start sobbing uncontrollably. I am just a selfish brat that doesn't want to get hurt. They waited for me, this letter was sending the same year after my leave.

I run to my room, everything still the same as I left it, expect the dust that covers all my stuff. I opened my dresser and look at all the idol dresses that I have. They look so uncomfortable but, even I hated them I miss the days I wore them.

I took some of my old stuff and headed to Guifto-chan house. I forget my keys so I had to knock the door.

"My dear, what happened to you, did you cried?"

I handed to her the letter and she read it.

 "I worked with those boys and they're so amazing. You need to go and apologize to them, they don't hate you," She stopped for a minute. "Remember when I came to you to apologize to you, you were upset because I left but you did forgive me at the end. So I know they will do the same for you".

 "If I came back, the press will ruin their reputation. And I don't want them to get hurt again".

"Look at the letter, if they were thinking about the press. They'll never send it to from the beginning. Just take your time and think about it okay my dear". I nodded to her and get to my room.

I didn't have an appetite to eat dinner anyway so, I took my notebook and laptop and start to write songs until I slept in my desk.

(In the morning)

I woke up late, I did my morning routine and rushed dressing just to go on time to the bakery.

Guifto-chan was making breakfast but I didn't have time to eat.

"Girl, sit down and eat your breakfast," She orders the minute she saw me heading to the door.

"I'll just eat something in the bakery," I whine like a child but, it didn't work.

She took my hand and made me sit at the table.

 "You need a Korean breakfast. You don't eat healthy food there," She said pushing the side dishes in front of me.

I was happy that she gives me the warm and tender of a mom. I texted one of the employers telling them that I'll get late so, they could start before me. Enjoying my meal gave Guifto-chan a satisfied smile.

I worked all day in the bakery. I always work to forget what I am thinking about and get off my stress. Today the bakery was full of customers since we included a new recipe.  But even though, my brain can't stop luring me to the letter content.

 "The smell of your cake unnie is awesome, who will believe that you never learned the pastry at a school," The younger employer Gini chanted.

 "You will be able to make one like it soon. Take a bite it's my favorite chocolate cake," I cut for her a slice.

"Yokchi unnie, the texture is so soft and it's delicious," She said with a cute tone.

 "Even it's not a professional answer, I'll let it slide this time. Take the others from the oven, I'll go to rest a little bit".

"Your cake made me forget, you have a guest. And, he's waiting for you outside," She said heading to the oven.

I get out from the kitchen and it was Sungdeuk oppa who was waiting.

 "Oppa how are you doing?" I hugged him and he did back.

 "I am fine, how come I didn't know you came back. You were here for two weeks" He pouted.

"As you see I was busy working, sorry," I chimed.

"No problem.  By the way, I am happy for you that you're doing well as a producer and businesswomen".

 "Thanks, oppa how work is going?" I asked in general waiting for a spesific answer.

"Next to a lot preparation for BTS attending ceremonies, I am working with them in a new choreography and some groups in Guifto-chan Company,"

"You guys work a lot with Guifto-chan," I cocked an eyebrow.

"She is a good woman and she gave us you, so the least we can do is help her," He gave a quick wink.

 "You make me blushing".I bet I am red like a tomato now.

"Here take there are some songs from our newbie producer. Bang PD want you to check them," He handed me a USB key.

 "UUUH why me? He knows well that I am busy with the bakery now. He has good producers including RM and Suga".

"The two busy for their comeback, ceremonies and the tour. So, fighting RG". I nodded and he looked at the clock. "Now I need to go, I have work to do," He said standing.

 "But you didn't eat anything?" 

"Next time when I will come to work with you for the new choreography. Then I will eat your delicious pastry".

 "Wait, I'll give you a fresh cake, take it with you".

I wrapped the cake in a cute box and hand it to him. He thanked me and gets out of the shop.

Namjoon POV;

Practicing is always hard and, we're all tired. We stopped the music and sit on the floor to take our breath and drink water. We were moving for hours, now we need rest. 

 "I see that you guys are working hard," Seugdeuk hyung came in with a wide smile. He still loves seeing us covered with sweat. For him, we'll stay trainees all our life.

 "You made us practice and run away to have fun," said Yoongi hyung with a grumpy face.

"I had a meeting and I came back with some snacks and a chocolate cake".

"chocolate cake. .... my favorite," Jin hyung snatched the cute box from the dancer and run to get the knife and cut it.

We shared the cake and it smells delicious. I took a bite and suddenly it tastes familiar. It so soft and melt in the mouth.

I never forget that taste, it tastes like Baram's cake.

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