Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker

Start from the beginning

The air is filled with silence for a moment.

Kali: (stands up) Now, now. Let's just all ca-

Ghira stops his own wife from talking to continue their conversation.

Jeff: I.... (tears dropping) I....

(Y/N): ..... (grabs knife) Jeff.... (approaches him) I know you really want to make things up.... And I also know that you think that I still don't believe you...

Jeff: ....

(Y/N): And In all honesty, there's some part of me that still doesn't want to forgive you.... But, it's part of it.... I mean, you are trying to make it up... But you don't have to hurry it up.... I know you will make it up to us someday... Things like these takes patience.

(Y/N) then hands the knife at Jeff as Jeff looks up to a smiling (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'll be waiting for it.... And who knows? Maybe I'll owe you some.

Jeff: (smiles) Hmph.

Jeff grabs his knife.

Kali: These two go way back.

(Y/N): Alright, let's look at it this way. What do you think that triggered yours? Give me an "exact" detail.

Jeff: *sighs* Well.... When I saw you turn, and started fighting him, I thought to myself that you couldn't beat Slenderman alone, even if you're in that state. And then I heard....

(Y/N): ...?

Jeff: I heard my brother....

(Y/N): Liu?

Jeff: When I heard him... That's when my knife began to glow...

(Y/N): I see.... So yours triggered emotionally.

Jeff: Fight or Flight. Huh... What about you?

(Y/N): I.... Don't know....

Jeff: Anything?

(Y/N): Nothing...

Jeff: Hmm.... Bummer.... Well... For now, I guess we can try "Fight or Flight."

(Y/N): I guess...

(Y/N) looks at the porch of the Belladonna House where Summer is sitting on, who's looking all worried.

Blake: We're home!


Inside Ghira's Office. (Y/N) and Blake are sitting next to each other on the couch, while Sun and Jeff each have their own lounge chairs, drinking from coconut cups. 

Sun: (slamming his cup down) I don't get it! How can they just sit around and do nothing with the White Fang getting ready to attack?!

Jeff: (sipping his cup) You gonna drink that?

Blake: Because not everyone is like you and me. The Faunus here in Menagerie - the ones that weren't born on the island - moved here because they were tired of fighting, of having to struggle constantly. Menagerie is filled with people that just want to be left alone, *scoffs* and here we are, asking them to put the rest of the world before themselves.

Sun: I guess I never really thought about it like that.

Blake: The problem is, whatever happens at Haven is going to affect them whether they like it or not. If Adam gets his way and Haven falls, it's only going to make things worse for the Faunus. Everywhere.

Sun: (sighs grabs his cup and stands up) I'm gonna go outside the terrace.

Jeff: (stands up) Me too.

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