Tommy keeps a strict eye on Kadance and every time he thinks she gets close to losing her calm he makes her laugh once more. Kadance understands what he's doing and is thankful for it. At times the flirting would get deep and would need to lighten up. But it was all good and helped her keep her mind off of her new reality.

"The others are starting to wake up Tommy. Oh, we can't leave. Jayse activated the perimeter he's getting to be as paranoid as you. You'll have to come back and deactivate it. Borrow one of the estate's conveyance's, two will be more comfortable than one anyway with everyone's things. It'll be better this time to not put all the stuff in my little boxes. Some will be inevitable but it'll be faster for some things to not be placed inside." Kadance says as she is distracted by Jayse putting his hands on her shoulders.

"Oh, by the way the lawyers have been trying to contact you, they need to meet with you ASAP." Tommy says bringing Kadance's full attention back to him.

"WHAT!" Kadance says in a surprised voice that brings everyone's attention to her and stills Jayse completely. "How long have you known this and not said anything to me?" Kadance's voice has gone soft like Jayse's does when he's angry.

"Peace Kadance, if I had known earlier I would have said something. The older caretaker lady just told me a bit ago. I took the liberty of setting up a meeting with them at your family house for later today. I've got enough security up that with us it will be safe enough. Since everyone's up you can be out here within a couple of hours so you'll still have time to prepare yourself before the meeting." Tommy says softly trying to turn her ire. But he'd made a mistake and Kadance picked up on it.

"Tommy, if you just found out about it how could you have set up the meeting already?" Kadance asks softly. She feels Jayse's hands tighten on her shoulders slightly before relaxing once more. She reaches back and covers his hand with hers.

Tommy sighs, "I'm sorry Kadance, I set the meet up the same time I set up the press conference, I didn't tell you because I thought you'd freak. You've had to go through a lot in the last twenty-four hours and I didn't want you to have to deal with everything all at once. I'm sorry."

And he really was because he just realized that he had lied to Kadance earlier. He panics because Kadance had warned them that she doesn't tolerate liars. "I didn't mean to lie to you Kadance, I'm use to saying whatever I need to and I'm not used to being careful about the truth to anyone. And yes, Jayse I am aware that you are listening and yes, I have lied to you. But I've never lied about anything important and you know it."

Jayse sighs, "He's right Kadance. He's lied to me and everyone. It's just the way he is. He's tried harder for you than he ever has before. But he has never lied about anything important ever. I don't think I've ever seen him scared before but right now he's terrified because he didn't mean to but did lie to you and he needs you. Please give him another chance Kadance, it's not easy changing a lifetime habit."

Kadance well knows how difficult changing habits can be. She's done it before and it's hard not to slip. Still the pain she feels from that lie can't be ignored. She's torn and she hurts. She stands up and leaves the room. She needs to think and she needs to be alone. Jayse lets her go.

Jayse pick up the com unit. "Oh Tommy, you blew it big time. I'm not sure that she can forgive you." Jayse's voice is heavy and sad. "She left and locked her door. Let her cool down and maybe things will be alright again."

"Jayse," Tommy's voice is full of anguish. "I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I know, and deep down she knows. But she's been betrayed so often. You saw more than the rest of us. I know you did. You found some of the other incidents that she didn't talk about. You know more than the rest of us how hurt she's been. You have to be completely truthful with her." Jayse is hurting as well, because if Kadance decides she can't forgive Tommy then Tommy will leave.

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