She shrugs her shoulders and puts the smelly stuff on her arms and shoulders. Although it smells to high heaven it immediately starts to soothe her muscles. She gives a little shake of her head and reminds herself to thank Jayse for his smelly gift.

By the time she's ready it's time for the guests to arrive. She goes out to meet them and realizes that the perimeter guard hasn't been turned off.

She finds a seat and as she does she says, "Tommy turn off the alarm please. You're keeping our guests waiting outside." She says it all calmly but her voice is over ridden by Borden bellowing more or less the same thing outside the bunker.

Tommy looking sheepish looks up from his electronic gear and gets up and goes over to the alarm and turns it off. Opening the door he ushers in their guests. Once they are all in he returns to his seat, but his attention is now focused on the two new comers off to his side.

Jayse stands protectively by Kadance and Borden takes up a position on her other side. Kadance calmly looks over the two in front of her. She stands up and moves forward to meet them. She ignores Jayse's low growl and moves forward, "Gentlemen, sorry about the wait. We'd been practicing. And were in the process of cleaning up. My two friends here don't like to leave the door unlocked." She gets a whiff of the stuff Jayse had her put on and grimaces.

She can see the other two trying hard to not let on that they to could smell it. She smiles warmly at them. "I see that my perfume has grabbed your attention. A little gift from Jayse here. He says it will help with my sore muscles. I sure hope so, or I won't be able to move my upper body in the morning."

The two before her smile at first and then grimace in commiseration. They've all been in workouts that have made movement extremely painful for days afterward. Even the warriors that test themselves and push hard still find some things more painful than others.

By now their eyes had become accustomed to the dimmer interior light and first one then the other tenses as they recognize her. Jayse and Tommy both see it and respond. Jayse by pulling Kadance back and becoming ready to go into action. Tommy by pulling out a knife and playing with it.

Kadance gives Jayse an irritated look and turns back to the newcomers, "Is something wrong gentlemen?" Her tone is soft and solicitous with a great deal of curiosity. She has no idea why these two would react the way they did.

They reply almost in unison the same way, "No, ma'am." But it was rather choked out and she could tell they had a hard time getting it out.

She senses Tommy moving from his position to stand by her. She feels Jayse's readiness to move. She feels almost claustrophobic, but at the same time is reassured by it all. She turns to Borden and raises an inquiring brow. It was silent, but a demand for an answer all the same.

The two men are unable to speak and look at Borden imploringly. Kadance just waits and Borden sighs. He pulls up something on his communicator and hands it to her.

"It might have something to do with this." Kadance breaks off her look at Borden and looks down at the screen in front of her. After watching it for a short time she hands it back. During that whole time she neither speaks or changes expression. Not even Borden can tell what she's thinking.

She finally breaks her silence but her words are hardly reassuring to her listeners. "I see. Sergeants Rackem and Candlen, Attention!" She commands. "Yes, I pulled Jayse back from his suicidal spree. Yes, I pulled Borden back from his. They now, along with Thompson, work for me as my body guards. Borden, against my better judgement, requested special consideration to have you join us." Borden wasn't too happy about his choices right now and frankly wished this interview would be over with. "Putting my faith in him," she pauses and turns her look on him. Borden tries hard to not squirm. She turns back to the two in front of her, "I acquiesced. He thought you'd bring exceptional abilities to our team, our company, if you will. But so far I'm less than impressed." Her words had become sharp and disdainful. They look down in shame.

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