Kadance is busy looking over the wounded man but yells out, "Lt.Cmdr. you're free to go. You are no longer a threat as a suicider, but if you wish to be a part of my team please stay." Then she gets back to work trying to stop the bleeding.

Sometime later Kadance and Jayse are finally finished. "Do we have a name?" Kadance is too weary to be any more clear than that.

By then Borden comes over, "Lt. Downs. He is, was just under me in Charlie Company." He looks at the man on the table, he's so very white. The drying blood makes a vivid contrast. "Will he be okay?"

Kadance replies tiredly, "I think so, but I'm no doctor." She turns to Tommy, "You couldn't have pulled your shot any better."

She turns back to Borden, "the Lt. sustained a through and through shot to his shoulder. Tommy pulled it so that no bones or major vessels were hurt. He's lost a lot of blood and definitely needs hospital care. Should he get it soon, I have no doubt he'll make a full recovery. Now, Borden, I need you to make a decision. You can take your brother back to base and the hospital there and give a full report to Gen. Rueton about what happened and then go your own way, or you could join my team."

Borden studies each one for some time before he speaks slowly, "What assignment from Command could require a security team of suicidal warriors?"

Kadance gives him a crooked smile but Jayse and Tommy are the ones to answer him in unison, "The assignment from hell." Jayse continues explaining about Kadance and her new job and what they are likely to be against. Kadance doesn't wish to hear it all again and goes to wash up. She decides to throw the blood soaked clothes away. There was no way she'd be able to get them clean again.

She's back before they're finished explaining about the job. She's so tired that she sits down on the hard chair and leans her head back and closes her eyes. At Jayse's words, "We find suiciders and she takes away the suicide." She smiles but keeps her eyes closed.

"She does a good job," Borden says all admiration.

Tommy pipes up, "She kept Jayse here from slicing up a civies throat. You want to watch?" Tommy pulls up the vid when Borden answers in the affirmative.

That's when Kadance has had enough, "You can watch home movies later. Well Borden?" Her tone is arch and she raises one eyebrow while she waits for his decision. "Can we count on you or do we drop you and your buddy off?"

Jayse reproves her, "He needs to know the rest Kadance."

Kadance reaction is far stronger than any had foreseen. She jumps up off the chair and faces Jayse angrily, "No, that is need to know only. If he joins then you can fill him in. If not than no harm no foul. But I can't risk it if he turns us down. " She rubs her tired eyes, "Tommy?"

"The report and footage are ready. Transports are waiting to take us wherever they need too." Tommy responds immediately.

Kadance nods and looks at Borden and awaits his answer. He slowly nods, "I'm in." He smiles, "I live for thrills."

Kadance replies dryly, "You'll love this then. Jayse show him the toys and give him his papers." She refocuses on Borden with difficulty, "I demand respect. I expect loyalty and I hope I have your trust. Know that you don't have mine, yet. They believe you to be worthy or you wouldn't be here. I do trust them. Don't betray their trust either." Her eyes harden as does her tone of voice. "One last thing,  whatever your rank before, it doesn't matter now. I'm in charge. But for security I defer to Jayse. After Jayse comes Tommy.

"We are an informal group just call me Kadance, Jayse is Jayse, Thompson is Tommy. Do you have a preference other than Borden?" Kadance tries to hide how tired she is but is unable to cover it completely. She's definitely fading.

"No, Kadance. Borden is just fine." Kadance nods and directs him over to Jayse who had taken out the toys from her box. Borden looks them over.

Tommy kneels by Kadance, "I'm so tired. We move again Tommy?"

"I'm afraid so, after the shooting incident we have no choice. Had I done better we could have stayed here at least for the night. Sorry, I won't let it happen again." Tommy truly is sorry, he doesn't like seeing Kadance so worn out.

She lays her head on his shoulder as she murmurs, "Not your fault. I should have realized sooner."

Borden watches in fascination at the two of them. He had Kadance pegged as bonded to Jayse.

"No worries Tommy." She reluctantly lifts her head from his shoulder and pats his arm. "When do we move? And what about Downs?"

"An auto conveyance is standing by, we can send him to the infirmary with the report by himself." Tommy says hopefully. Although being with her is torture he can't help wanting to be with her.

Kadance shakes her head, "No, I want you to go with him. I want to make sure that he gets there safely and that he's carefully looked over. I'm no doctor and I don't want to be responsible for his death."

"Kadance, if he dies, then I'm the one responsible, not you." Tommy says softly caressing her face. "I'll go with him and special courier the report to the general." Tommy says a bit roguishly. Kadance lays both her hands on his arm and gives him a little squeeze of gratitude.

"Thank you Tommy. I really appreciate it. After you drop Downs off and courier the report drop by Borden's place and pick up his things. You better take one of my boxes with you. How long do you think that will take?"

"About four-six hours tops." Tommy grins saucily. Kadance can't help but grin back. She knows that it won't take near that long but allows him the freedom anyway.

Tommy whispers something in her ears that makes her blush then gives her a long hard kiss that leaves them both breathless. Kadance sees something in his eyes that she can't read and becomes anxious.

"Tommy?" She says confused.

"Never mind Kadance. I'll see you later." He gives a wave goodbye to the room in general and leaves without looking back.

Neither had noticed Borden or Jayse watching. Borden with confusion. Jayse with anger and fear. Borden shakes off his confusion and helps Tommy carry Downs out to the conveyance.

"He's going to break into Command again isn't he?" Kadance asks even more tired than before.

Jayse answers, "'Fraid so, but as a special courier. He likes his little games, it's one of his ways of staying sane."

Borden comes back in just in time to here that last bit. Startled he exclaims, "He's breaking into Command? He'll be shot!"

Jayse only shakes his head, "He doesn't get caught. Even if he does he has these." Jayse shows him the papers. "These are your orders, just like ours. You should read them as soon as you can." Jayse turns back to finish packing the electronics, "Almost done Kadance. You ready?"

"Of course. The only things I unpacked were these clothes. Three moves in two days has taught me to not unpack unless I'm sure we'll be staying long enough to bother." Her voice is ironic, but Jayse hears the weariness underneath it all, and the worry.

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