Oh Wait Actually?

Start from the beginning

Vik: "What can I say I look after my mates."

I looked up at Lachlan as he watched me, I simply smiled and nodded my head a few times before I turned to join in a conversation being started by Jerome with me and Preston. A few minutes later, Mitch got the thumbs up from his mate before we all stopped chatting away and payed attention to his intro, it was funny listening to someone else but.

Preston: "Wait is that my suitcase? That's my suitcase."

I couldn't laugh but I smiled and stifled a giggle as I watched Rob say a little fast present opening race thing, I was too busy wondering what could be in the package, but when I saw the two red outfits with the black belt, I lost it alongside Lachlan and Vik, Jerome just sort of looking at them with a stunned look.

"Put them on"

I couldn't even put a face to the words but I was already happy I came over, watching the two boys get ul and leave the room while Jerome joined Vik and that gorgeous fucking human on the couch.

Mitch: "So I think, next up will be my, good friend Lachlan."

I watched how excited he got, his eyes lighting up as he smiled wide. He was so fucking beautiful and I couldn't help but just. Gah he was so cute. I watched as he opened one and it was a sippy cup with a blue liquid in it.

Vik: "Is that apple juice?"

Lachlan: "It's uh..."

I watched him sniff it but he seemed to be a bit enthralled with this. As he took the lid off and gave it a sniff I watched him very slightly flinch a little. J guess you notice those kinds of things.

Mitch: "Try some."

Lachlan: "Nah, I'm good."

A few seconds later though, I watched as he did in fact wrap his lips around the straw and suck up the juice... Wow that sounded better in my head.
(No it didn't I am your head and that was disturbing) weird...

Lachlan: "Oh that's..."

I watching him physically recoil from the drink as he out it down and they made some jokes about it for the camera. I watched as Rob stuck his head outside of the door, I could already see the outfit on him and it kind of suited him. As he stepped out and showed it off, looking kind of proud of what he has worn, posing for the camera while uh, Preston was just taking it in stride, coming out and making a comment about daddy and spanking and I practically lost it again.

Rob: "Yo dude whats this?"

Vik: "One of Lachlan's presents he got, he's another one here."

As Rob took a sip of Lachlan's drink, he didn't even flinch, not even Mitch recoiled as he took a sip himself.

Lachlan: "Try some."

I looked ahead and knew he was referring to me, his voice only just being heard as I reached out and grabbed the cup, Looking at it funny. It looked like a blue Curaçao but I doubt that's what it was. As I took a sip I tried so hard not too make a sound as I scrunched up my face and just placed it down on the table, it was so sharp and strong and I definitely wasn't expecting it that's for sure.

Vik: "Lachlan, Lachlan what else did you get?"

The boys were getting excited now as Lachlan started to unwrap his present. As he did, he pulls out a small Olaf plush toy and an Olaf beanie hat, when he put it on, with a little blonde puff of hair coming out the front, he looks adorable with it on.

Mitch: "Don't forget to check its butt."

Lachlan: "Check it's butt?"

I watched him turn it upside down and open the zipper up, his face kind of dropped as he out his hand over his eyes and just lightly and very quietly said oh no. Oh no what? Lachlan I am invested in this don't you leave me hanging here.

Lachlan: "Thanks Mitch for the toy."

Mitch: "What else was in there?"

I watched him sheepishly dig into Olaf's bum and pull out a little gummy. But it was in the shape of a penis. I kind of died a little there and just stared at him as he looked at me a little scared and worried.

Mitch: "What else did you get?"

Lachlan: "I got, uh..."

He had a piece of wrapper? Wait no what is that. When Mitch promised not to show it on camera he held up the condom that was now in his hand. The four boys as well as Mitch's cameraman friend all began to laugh except for Myself and Lachlan. Who just sort of looked at each other a little worried before it was awkward all of a sudden. I tried to want to laugh, break the silence but it was hard. He looked at me again and tried to speak but I was too busy looking away from him.

Jerome: "Oh my God Lachlan why are you so awkward right now? It's funny."

Vik: "Yeah Lachlan lighten up, he didn't mean anything by it."

Rob: "Oh..."

I looked over at him as he looked from me to Lachlan and back, I just tried to subtly shake my head trying to get him to shut up but no, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Rob: "So Lachlan and Vince you two are..."

Jerome: "What?"

Vik: "Really?"

Mitch: "Wait hang on..."

Preston: "You two are actually gay?"

I watched as I kind of just looked down but I could see Lachlan getting upset. His eyes began to gloss over a little and his lip began to tremble, he has such a huge fear right now of people finding out and then hating him maliciously, and now, because of an unknown gift that we had no idea could be there. His defenses were breaking.

Vincent: "Lachlan..."

I watched as Mitch looked quickly. From me to my man, seeing him looking upset. He instantly took the camera away from his friend and motioned for Vik to move. He didn't know what was going on so Mitch had to verbally tell him to move. When the Indian boy did finally move from his seat. I quickly jumped in it and took his hand and pulled him over and into my chest. The taller boy shaking, he was so scared of what people would think after everything that went down at school, everything that went down between his old friend group. I was the only one that stuck with him aside from his new friends he made and Jay, his childhood mate. I held him gently, my fingers gently running through his hair before I heard him sob, and I'm pretty sure everyone heard it.

Jerome: "Hey I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was a sensitive topic."

Vincent: "There is nothing to apologize for, you guys had no idea. Just uh, just a very sensitive and touchy subject so just promise we can not bring it to light yeah?"

Preston: "Well I mean. I kind of, want to know now. Does this mean you two are like?"

Vincent: "We have been together for a few years. That's all I'm saying until he is ready, which means you boys need tk wait and accept him when he is ready do you guys hear me, if not, Oo we gonna have some trouble. The next vlog will be me kicking your ass."

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