200 View: Deleted Chapter

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A/N: Just for the record, I do like Monochrome, but I will not write a story about it. I find it very cute, but I don't think Blake and Weiss would be compatable together. That is all. Also, this is going to be placed in the past. Like a year after Weiss and Ruby got together. On with the show!

I picked up my pencil and began writing. After about a year of being with Weiss, I still wanted to write to my mom every now and then.

Hey mom. Having fun up there. It's a bit interesting down here. I'm not sure if your spirit is reading these or you're looking over my shoulder like dad. It had the best year. My girlfriend and I have celebrated our one year anniversary and we couldn't be happier. I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with her. I think we both hope for the same thing. I hope you like her. I hope to talk to you soon.



I placed it in an envelope and placed it in the box when the doorbell rang. I got up and headed downstairs. I opened up the door and saw Blake. 

"Hey, Blake. Yang's in the basement."

"Thanks, Ruby. Is Weiss coming over?"


There was a look in her eyes and she walked by. I saw Weiss walk up to the front door. Blake and Weiss made eye contact and glared at each other. Blake went downstairs and Weiss walked inside.

"Hi, Weiss."

"Hi, Ruby."

We went into my room and just talked. She talked about her mother and how she died and I talked about my mother and how she died. We both wanted to hear a little bit about each other's past.

"Weiss, do you have a problem with Blake?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," Weiss huffed.

"Can you tell me what your problem is with her?"

"Well, she might have told you the story about my father giving her father a choice."

"Yeah. She told me that her father had to decide between Blake's mother and the company. And he choose her mother."

"Well, long before I knew that happened, we have sort of a serious relationship."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well, when I was in high school, I was one of very few to be human in this school. It was all Faunus. Some of them even picked on me because I wasn't one of them. One day, it just pushed its limits."

~Weiss' POV~

"Hey, Schnee! You going to take over the company? Hope you don't treat us like slaves," a boy said.

"Yeah! Your father is terrible when it comes to people! Does he even think before he treats the Faunus so badly?" asked another.

"Cause if you do, the White Fang will come and get rid of you and your company!"

"That's enough!"

The three boys looked over at the voice. I looked up and saw a Faunus who had black hair and cat ears. 

"And what do you think you're going to do, Belladonna? Your father stopped working for Jacques a while back didn't he?"

"The only reason he stopped was because of poor work environment."

The girl walked over to me, pushed the guys away from me, and helped me up. The three walked away and she helped me brush some dirt and dust off of my outfit.

"Blake Belladonna."

"Weiss Schnee," I said.

We shook hands and Blake smiled, "I think we're going to be good friends."

"And we did. We did become good friends," Weiss said. "But it soon escalated to us becoming into a thing. People caught on and they started making fun of us because of it. Calling us crossbreeders. They picked on Blake for liking a human and my father was pretty mad that I liked Blake. So when our second year came about, I told her it was time to leave her. She was pretty upset about it. And when I told my father we broke up, he was happier than a clam. I was upset. And I still am."

"Well, Blake found someone new. My sister."

"I think they're better off together, Ruby," Weiss said. "It didn't get too serious. All we did was make out here and there."

"That was all?"

"I told you I didn't get too serious. Besides, we were too young at the time."

"I hope Blake and Yang don't get too serious at this point of their relationship."

"How long have they been together?"

"About a year and a half."

Weiss nodded her head.

"I think you should make amends with Blake."

We walked downstairs and sat with Blake and Yang. Weiss and Blake talked while Yang and I played a video game. I paused the game and saw Weiss and Blake hug.

"Aww!" Yang said.

Weiss pulled away and smiled at Blake. Her ears perked up and they sat down.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Everything is fine between us. I think I just needed to hear Weiss explain in," Blake said.

"I really did like you, Blake. But I didn't want to put you through all that bullying."

"I understand."

"Alright, who wants to play some Death Battle?" Yang asked.

All four of us played. Blake and Yang were on a team while Weiss and I were on a team. After a while, we switched teams. This was the rest of the night. Weiss had to leave and Blake stayed over night.

"I never knew you two were a thing," Yang said.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Yang," Blake smirked.

"Oh really?" Yang asked, smirking as well.

"Oh no. I swear if you two make out I'm going to—YANG!"

"Sorry, sorry," Yang said.

"I can't believe you just bit Blake's neck. I-um, you know what, I'm going upstairs."

"Sorry, Ruby."

"Please don't bring this up! Ever."

I heard Yang and Blake laughing as I walked into my room. I rolled my eyes. Those two were something. I sat down on my bed and texted Weiss.

"Ruby! Dad won't be home so its just us for dinner," Yang called.

I walked out and came downstairs, "What do you want to do for dinner?"

"We can just go out," Blake said.

"Where?" I asked.


"Road trip!" Yang yelled, grabbing the car keys.

~Hey guys! Hope you liked this 200 view deleted chapter. More will be on its way! BAAAAAIIII!!!!

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