Chapter 20

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For the first day in Mistral, Weiss and I took a tour around the area. It was nice getting to see everything once again, to finally relax and see everything. And to take in the beauty of Mistral. After the tour, we headed onto the beach. We walked around seeing everybody enjoy their time.

"Thank you again, Ruby," Weiss said.

"You're welcome, Weiss," I kissed her head.

We continued to walk along the beach and we walked into a little town center. We walked in a few and did some shopping. Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel and checked in, which took quite a while. When we finally did, it was the same suite that Winter had gotten me when I was in Mistral.

"Name?" asked the receptionist.

"Ruby Rose."

"Ah, yes. One room and two king size beds, the suite."

I nodded. We checked in and headed to our floor, which was on the top floor. Weiss walked in and took everything in. I remembered everything about being in this room. The amazing view, fair kitchen and relaxation area, and big bathroom.

"Ruby, how did you get all of this?"

"Winter helped me out. I just want you to have the best time here in Mistral. Tonight, we're going to see Professor Lionheart and get a tour of Haven."

"Ruby, I can't thank you enough for this."

I smiled, pulled her close, and kissed her. She returned the gesture and parted when she needed to breathe.

"Let's get ready to go to Haven."

"Welcome back, Ms. Rose. And welcome Ms. Schnee. You must be Winter's sister," Lionheart said.

"I am," said Weiss.

"I just have one question, for both of you, why don't you, Weiss, own the Vale base for the Schnee Company? Mistral has been wondering that ever since that company has produced the design your own car product."

"Well, my father doesn't like anyone who owns the business fall in love with a worker at the company. I couldn't handle to see Ruby without a job she loves, so I gave it to her and left. So both of us could be happy, Weiss said.

"And I didn't mind that at all, but I do miss seeing you for lunch," I said.

"You can always call me up and meet me somewhere."

"I know, but you were right there. It was easier."

"Ah, young love. It's hard not to look away from pure love," Lionheart said. "Come, I'd like to show you our training facility. I know Beacon had much to offer, but Haven seems to be a bit more, intense."

We walked through the halls and saw students walking through. Some were Faunus.

"Do you ever have a problem with bullying?" I asked.

"Hardly. Everyone here at Haven loves the diversity on school grounds. A lot of Faunus love being here and being treated as an equal, rather than a lesser being."

"What instances have you seen bullying?"

"One case happened not long ago. A Faunus was being called out because of her amazing fighting skill. They all thought she was a robot from Atlas' military. She says that she's not, but they kept picking at her. It was sad, but I had to step in. See, I myself is a Faunus, and I don't want my kind to be put down because of our skill. While we can be superior in different fields, everyone accepts it or doesn't. For the most part, everyone here loves one another."

"And what about same-sex couples?" I asked.

Lionheart smiled, "We don't have many of those, but we have quite a few. The majority of Haven accepts them, but they're also an easy target for bullying. They stand their ground and take it head on. I haven't gotten in a situation, yet."

While we were walking, we watched the students fight against dummies, each other, and older students with more experience. There was a medical field some could go into, if fighting wasn't their style, and a plethora of options. Lionheart took us back to the training center, so we could see how they fight. And he was right, it was intense. When someone was close to delivering a fatal blow, the training session was over. The two fighters complimented each other and the next fighters were up. After the tour, we left and went to go have dinner on the pier. We walked around, looking at the different restaurants and small shops. There was a small carnival going on. Families were happy to be with one another, couples were sharing a moment, and siblings were playing around with one another. Faunus and human were excited to be with one another. We saw another same-sex couple, who couldn't look happier with one another.


"Yes, Ruby?"

"I think Mistral is the most open kingdom in Remnant."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Look at this. Faunus and human living in peace. Blake would love it here. Couples like us and look over there."

We turned towards a bench where a Faunus and human were sharing a moment.

"A Faunus loves a human, like Blake and Yang. And no one is troubling them. Mistral is such an amazing place to be."

"They look so happy," Weiss said.

I lead Weiss over to a bench where you could get a nice view of the tides. We sat down and watched the tides come rolling in. After a few moments of silence, I quickly took the ring into my hoodie pocket.

"Weiss, I need to ask you something."

"What is it, Ruby?"

"We've been together now for quite sometime. I love being with you. You make me happy when I'm sad, we do a lot of things together, and we both support each other. I just want to ask you this very important question."

I took her hand and knelt onto the ground. I pulled out the box and opened it up, revealing the ring.

"Weiss Schnee, will you do the greatest honor in my life and be with me forever? Will you be my wife?"

"Yes, Ruby. A million times, yes."

I slipped the ring onto her finger. We stood up and my arms wrapped around her neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist and our lips met. We parted and noticed we had gathered a small group of people. Most of them had tears in their eyes. Others were clapping. A gay couple walked towards us and congratulated us. After everyone left I turned back towards Weiss.

"I got two more questions."

Weiss smiled,"And they are?"

"One, should our last names be Schnee-Rose, just Rose, or Schnee?"

"I like Schnee-Rose better."

"Ok. And the second one, do you think we could start a family?"

Weiss blushed and smiled once more, "We'll see."

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