Chapter 11

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I woke up in the morning to see Weiss was right next to me. I smiled and slowly fell back asleep in her embrace. When I woke back up, the clock next to me said 10:45. I sighed and Weiss slowly woke up.

"Morning, Ruby."

"Morning, Weiss."

She kissed my forehead and smiled at me, "Ready to go to work?"


She giggled, "Figured you wouldn't be. Want to see Blake and Yang before we head over to work?"


I got up and quickly changed. I grabbed my phone and saw a few text messages from Yang. As I was reading them, Weiss came up from behind, wrapped her arms around my waist, and rested her head on my shoulder. 

"What's the matter?"

I opened up a photo Yang sent and showed it to her. Yang was facing the camera and Blake's head was on her shoulder. Blake was asleep and Yang had a faint smile on her face.

"Yang said that the nurses tried to get Blake back to her own room, but she wouldn't move. They just let them be for the rest of the night," I smiled.

Weiss did as well, "Those two are so cute together. How long have the been together?"

"I think two and a half years. Two days ago, Yang wanted to ask Blake a question, but after this happened, I don't think she ever asked."

"What was she going to ask Blake? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind at all. Yang was going to ask Blake if she wanted to move in with her. You know, at an apartment not too far from here."

"Aww. I think Blake would say yes."

"I think so to. Yang was nervous to ask her."

When we were both ready, we got into Weiss's car and headed over to the hospital. When we walked into their room, Blake and Yang were still in bed, not wanting to leave each other's side.

"Aww, there's the two love birds!" I said.

"Right back at ya, Rubes," Yang snickered.

"How are you two feeling?" Weiss asked.

"Alright," said Blake.

"Good. Turns out they were able to get rid of the infection. So, looks like I still have one real arm," Yang joked.

"Yang," Blake said.

"Sorry. You know I can't be earnest all the time."

We all smiled at Yang.

"Hope you both have a safe recovery," Weiss said.

I walked towards Yang and whispered in her ear. She nodded and turned towards Blake.

"Blake, I have a question for you."

"And that is?"

"How would you feel if we moved into an apartment together?"

She smiled and nuzzled her head in the crook of Yang's neck, "I would love that."

Yang smiled and put her hand underneath Blake's chin. She forced her to look up at her and their lips met. I smiled and so did Weiss.

"We'll leave you guys alone," I said as I grabbed Weiss's hand.

We walked out of the hospital and drove towards the company. Once we were inside, I turned to face her before she went to her office. I tried to give her a kiss, but she pushed me away.


"Please, Ruby, while we're here, I'm your boss. Out there, we're couples. I don't want people to know right now. I hope you're ok with that."

I frowned slightly and nodded, "I will respect your wishes, Weiss."

She smiled sadly and hugged me, "I know how much you want the world to know we love each other, but I just don't feel comfortable doing it in my company. I'm glad you understand."

I hugged back and my lips grazed her cheek ever so lightly, "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you, too."

She pulled away and headed to her office. I found my way to the basement and gave my workers the blueprints for the headphones. With the success of the car, the company had a garage for their own personal use and for tests. I was going to take mine home tonight, since my car was totaled from the accident. With everyone working, I had marked the calendar for testing and finalization process. It was a long day at work, but once we were finished, I came up from the basement later than everyone else. I saw Weiss was waiting for me. I smiled up at her and we both walked out together.

"Why don't you come over for the evening? My dad offically moved from that house to the one in Atlas. Whitley moved with him as well and Winter is still staying there, but she gets home late. It's pretty quiet in the house."

"Of course I'd come over, Weiss. You do sound pretty lonely."

"I get used to it every now and then, but I still wish someone was with me."

"How about this, if and when Winter moves, I'll come in."

"Ruby, you don't need to do that."

"I insist, Weiss. You shouldn't be alone for most of your life."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Alright."

I smiled and got into my car and drove towards Weiss's house. When I pulled into her driveway, I had forgotten how big it was. On the outside, it looked like a mansion, but it seemed ordinary from the inside. I walked in and saw that Weiss had changed the interior design.

"Weiss, you painted the walls, red?"

"Yeah. I hope red doesn't bother you."

"Are you kidding me? I love red!"

Weiss smiled, "I knew you'd love it."

"But, Weiss, there's no white."

"There doesn't need to be white."

"But if every corner is red, then where is some lighter color to contrast it? Every shadow needs light."

"You do bring up a good point, Ruby, but there are still some specks of white, if you look cloesly enough."

I looked around once more, seeing that there was indeed white inside the red splotches of paint. 

"What do you want to do, Weiss?"

"I have an idea."

She grabbed me by my hand and sat on the couch. She pushed me down and pinned my arms. Her forehead was against mine. I could smell the sweet perfume she wore everyday. Her lips lightly touched mine and she pulled away. I looked up at her, there was fire in her eyes. My lips pressed against her's. I ran my tongue against her lower lip, asking for entrance. When she didn't allow it, my right hand slipped through her grasp and I pulled at her hair. I wasn't going to be denied without a fight. She moaned at the pain and my tongue slipped onto her mouth. Mine slid across her's, declaring war. Already into this heated makeout, I was taking control. I finally won over our war and slid my tongue further into her mouth. My left hand slipped through her grip and it found a place on her waist. I pulled her closer to me as my right hand swam through her ocean of hair. It eventually found her ponytail. I pulled away and with both hands, undid her ponytail. Her long, luscious hair fell from its once high place. Weiss seemed to feel insecure about her hair being so long. Both my hands ran through her white locks.

"I like your hair down. It looks beautiful."

She smiled and we continued. She pressed her lips against mine and lightly bit my bottom lip. I smiled against her lips. Before we got too far into it, we heard a slight cough behind us. Weiss panicked and pulled away too quickly. She cut open my lip and some blood came out. She turned around and I looked up at who was behind us.

"Am I interrupting some important business?" Jacques asked.

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