Chapter 19

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The meeting didn't last as long as the one in Mistral. We were out of there by noon. Winter, Blake, Yang, and I grabbed lunch before Winter and I had to leave. Winter and I parted ways at the airport. I said goodbye to Yang and Blake and got to my gate. While I was waiting, I grabbed my laptop, which I had forgotten until two hours ago. I looked at buying tickets for Weiss and I to go to Mistral in a few days. As a birthday present. And on her actual birthday is when I will propose to her. I was also making a design on my laptop. Velvet agreed to help me once I got back. On the plane, I was continuing my work, not realizing that the plane had landed. I gathered my things and got my bags. I got onto a shuttle bus and it dropped me off at my car. I drove home, excited to see Weiss.

When I pulled into the driveway, the outside lights turned on. I smiled, got my bags, and headed inside. Once I set my stuff down, Weiss tackled me into a hug. I slipped and we fell onto the floor. We both laughed it off.

"Looks like someone missed me," I said.

"It was more than missed you."

I kissed her and she kissed back. We parted and Weiss got up, helping me up. Zwei came running down the stairs and pawed at my legs. I picked him up and held him close.

"How's my little Zwei doing?"

He barked and started to lick my face. I laughed and set him down.

"How was your trip, Ruby?"

"It was alright. Vacuo wasn't as beautiful as Mistral."

"Yeah. Winter has told me a lot of stories about Mistral."

I smiled to myself, "Yeah."

I got unpacked while Weiss got ready for bed, since it was getting so late. I got changed and got into bed next to her. Throughout the night, I couldn't stop thinking about the plan I had made.

In the morning I drove over to the company with my plans ready to go. I headed down to the basement and handed Velvet the blueprints.

"This is a bit complex, Ruby."

"I know it is, Velvet. But this needs to get done in a couple of days. I'm taking Weiss to Mistral for her birthday."

"And as a birthday present, you're asking her to be your wife?"


Velvet smiled, "I'm sure I can get this to you by tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, Velvet."

"No problem."

I went upstairs and left. I knew Weiss didn't have a suitcase, so I was going out to get her one. While I was at the store, I picked up a few things that reminded me of her, so I bought them. I put all of the stuff I bought into my car and headed back home.

"Why are you so home early?"

"Short day."


I picked up the ring from Velvet at the company and headed out towards the park. Weiss was going to meet me there. That was when I was going to tell her what I had planned. I got to the park and got everything ready. The little spot I got was going to be themed with Mistral stuff, such as their logo, pictures of Haven academy, and the entire environment. I got everything set up and saw Weiss walking towards me.

"This better be good, Ruby."

"It is, don't worry."

I led her to my little spot and made her sit down. It was a little picnic. I had made her favorite finger foods. Little sandwiches, stuff like that. After a while of talking and enjoying the scenery, Weiss finally asked me.

"Ruby, what is all of this about."

"I know how much you want to go to Mistral."

I pulled an envelope out of my pocket and handed it to her. She opened it up and saw it was a birthday card. She opened it and started to read it. A smile soon appeared on her face.

"Ruby, this is the best birthday present anyone has gotten me."

I smiled and hugged her. I pulled away, but she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me forwards. Our lips collided with one another's. After a while, we both parted and looked at each other lovingly.

"I can't wait to go to Mistral."

I smiled and we both headed home. I arrived before her and got everything I got her from the store and set them in the living room. Once she got home, I was sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her. She looked over at the living room and smiled.

"Ruby, you didn't need to get me a suitcase."

"Look inside, Weiss."

She opened it up and smiled once more, "Thank you, Ruby."

"You better start packing. Our flight leaves at 2am."

"Why so early?"

"So you can see Mistral when the sun rises."

We both got everything packed and into the car by 6:20. I took Weiss out for dinner and got home at 9:30. We got ready for bed and fell asleep watching a movie. At 1 in the morning, my phone alarm went off and we got ready. Within twenty minutes, we were in the car, heading to the airport. After checking in and all that boring stuff, we sat at the gate, waiting to get on the plane.



"You bought first class tickets?"


"You didn't have to do that."

"I want you to have the best experience for the next three days."

I kissed her head. Before we knew it, Weiss and I were sitting next to each other on the plane. She fell asleep, as well as I. When we were beginning our descend into the Mistral Airport, Weiss and I finally woke up. It was a long plane ride, but it was worth it. We got out stuff from baggage claim, rented a car, and I drove towards the highest hill in Mistral. When we got there, we got out, sat on the ground, and we watched the sun rise. Weiss and I both took pictures as we watched. While she was watching the horizon, on impulse, my hand reached underneath her chin. I brought her face to look at me. I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"I love you, Weiss."

"I love you too, Ruby."

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