Chapter 9

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Christmas flew and New Year's crawled by ever so slowly. Back to work it was. I got into the car and drove off. There was a lot of traffic going to work today. Probably because people were leaving to go back home if they visited family. Sitting in traffic, I pulled out a CD from the glove box and put it in. Out of no where, a car from the other lane veered over to my lane and smacked a bunch of cars. Eventually those cars turned and hit others. Soon, I saw a car smash into mine.

"Shit!" I yelled as the car collided with mine.

I grabbed my phone, but saw my right arm had broke from the collision. With my left hand, which had cuts galore, grabbed my phone. I had texted Weiss.

"Weiss, there's a possibility that I'm not coming in today."

I also texted Yang as well.

"Yang, might not be coming to work today."

I saw Weiss had texted back.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Car accident."


"Highway 34."

"A helicopter is coming right now to fly you to the hospital. Are you hurt?"

"Broken arm, cuts, and I think that's all the injuries I have so far."

"Helicopter will be on its way."

I sighed and looked at all the other people around me. They were all getting pissed off, but the people who were hurt were getting out of their cars, trying to see if anyone could help them. I grabbed my things and got out as well. It was going to take a lot of time and money to repair the front of the car. I saw the helicopter coming up from above, but it never touched down. A guy had came down and picked me up. Of course all of the other people wanted to go in.

"Don't worry, ambulances are on their way."

In the distance, you could hear the sirens and horns of ambulances and fire trucks. Once in the helicopter, there was Weiss and Yang.

"Weiss, Yang!"

"Ruby!" they both cried.

"What happened?" Yang asked.

"Accident. I think I'll be alright."

"We're taking you to the hospital. Hit it!" Weiss called.

The helicopter flew off towards the hospital.

"How did you get here so fast? And why did you guys come? I mean, I don't mind you guys coming, but I thought you'd be too busy with work."

"When I got your text, I ran towards Weiss's office to see if she had gotten anything from you. She said that she was sending a helicopter and I wanted to get on. So we both did," Yang exclaimed.

I smiled at both of them, "Thank you for coming guys."

"You're welcome," Weiss said.

At the hospital, the doctors had told me my right arm was broken. I had to wear a cast for about a month. Left arm only suffered cuts from the mirror breaking. And my legs, my left one was dislocated and my right leg was broken. Yang and Weiss were there to comfort me throughout the rest of the day.

"I'm sorry you had to miss work for me," I said, tears welling up into my eyes.

"Don't be, Ruby. I always get bored in my office," said Weiss.

"And I didn't really have anything to do today," Yang said.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Weiss. What do you do in your office? It's huge."

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