Chapter 18

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After getting the tour of Mistral and meeting Professor Lionheart, Winter and I returned to the hotel and got ready for bed. Tomorrow was the important meeting. It was going to be held around 3:30. When I changed, I called Weiss up.

"Hi, Weiss."

"Hi, Ruby. How was today?"

"It was great. Mistral is so beautiful."

"Is it now?"

"Yeah, it's just like you. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Same here. It's pretty lonely in the house. Yang dropped by with Blake to see how I was doing. They were going away and dropped of Zwei."

"Really? Usually Blake doesn't like Zwei. Why'd she agree to take Zwei when Yang was moving in with her?"

"I don't know. Maybe Yang left out the fact that she had Zwei. Anyway, he's such a cute little dog! He's made the environment feel like you were home."

I smiled to myself, "Sorry to stop the conversation, but it's getting pretty late. I've got that meeting tomorrow."

"Right. I'll let you get your rest. Goodnight, Ruby. I love you."

"Night, Weiss. I love you, too."

I hung up and crawled into the huge bed. It didn't feel the same sleeping alone. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Afternoon everybody. To start off the meeting, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves," said Jacques.

First, Winter stood up, "I am Winter Schnee, manager of the Mistral base."

"Whitley Schnee. Future manager of the Atlas base."

The one who ran the Vacuo base stood up and introduced themself. Afterwards, it was my turn.

"Ruby Rose. Manager of the Vale base."

"Jacques, you let someone who isn't part of the Schnee family run the base?" asked the one who ran the Vacuo base.

"Weiss once owned the base. It was under my name as well. But she stepped down and gave it to Ms. Rose. It is now her own business. What I mean by that is, her company is a stand alone. She owns every profit they make. She owns the workers and everyone and everything there. I have no control of what she does."

"That sounds like a mistake from Ms. Weiss herself. I think she never should of gotten the Vale base."

"Hey, you hold your tongue when you're talking about Weiss," I snapped.

He leaned forward, "And who do you think you are to snap at me like that? Not only am I one of you, but I am higher up on the status rank."

I glared at him, "Don't talk down about Weiss."

"And why is that, Ms. Rose?"

"She gave me the position of where I am today. She did everything to help the makers that work there. She has a big heart for the people who she cares about. And she would definitely not like to hear this shit coming out of your mouth about her!"

He scoffed, "Jacques, do something about her. She's clearly out of control."

"She actually has a point," came another voice.

We all turned to see General Ironwood standing by the door.

"General, what are you doing here?" Jacques asked.

"Winter invited me to the meeting. Seems there's a problem that I need to address?"

"Not at all. Now, why don't we get back on track," Jacques said. "The main reason for this meeting is to talk about marketing and profit."

The meeting lasted for six hours, which was very boring. When we all left, Winter and I left for the airport. The entire ride we were silent, until we pulled into the airport.

"It was good to defend Weiss like that."

"You think so."

"You kept your relationship a secret. Though my father knows, but the Vacuo manager doesn't like those type of relationships. I could tell you wanted to tell them that you loved her and that you care about her."


We got out of the car and headed into the airport. When everything was done, we sat and waited at the gate. While we were waiting, I started to draw out designs for a new product. It was going to resemble Yang's gauntlets. They called us onto the plane and I continued there. Throughout the flight, I was still working on the sketch design, until I fell asleep.

"Passengers, we are beginning our descend into Vacuo Airport. Please put your seat belts on and thank you for taking Air Faunus."

I woke up, put my things away, and waited until the plane landed. When we got off and got our bags, someone was waiting for Winter and I. They looked familiar. When we got closer, my jaw almost dropped.

"Yang? Is that you?"

"Hey, Ruby!"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, hugging her.

"Blake and I came her for a vacation. I went to drop off Zwei with Weiss and asked where you were. She said you were on a business trip in Mistral and Vacuo. Saying you were flying in tonight. So I wanted to surprise you here. Hi, Winter."

"Nice to see you, Yang."

"We reserved two rooms for you guys. They're right next to ours."

All of us got in the car and saw Blake was there.

"Hi, Blake!"

"Hi, Ruby."

"How are you?"


"Heard you were on vacation. How's that going?"

"Alright as well."

We got to the hotel and got into our rooms. It wasn't as big as the one in Mistral, but it was close to it. I got settled in for the night and called Weiss.

"So, you told Yang and Blake where I was."

"Sorry. They asked where you were and I had to tell them."

"I'm not mad. Just a bit confused at first when I saw Yang waiting for Winter and I."

"I meant to call you, but I remembered you were on the plane by the time I was getting ready to call you."

"Don't worry about it, Weiss. I'm going to get ready for bed. I love you."

"I love you too, Ruby. Goodnight."


I hung up and crawled into bed and fell asleep.

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