Chapter 3

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Today was my first day at Vale's headbase for the Schnee Co. Tai was excited and Qrow was there to celebrate when I woke up. Yang had visited as well and Blake was there. It was good to see her once again. Though when Yang is away with the company, Blake would come over to hang out with us. Though living in Vale and Yang being far from us, she would like to hang out with us every now and then. Tai drove me to the company, since i did not own a car nor learn how to drive one. When I got there, I headed inside. I held a folder in my hands that was filled with ideas a few weeks earlier. Today, I was going to propose an idea to my team. I got inside to see my co-workers there to celebrate my first day. It was such a warming welcome and they all showed me around. My mentor, which was a girl I grew up with, was there to help me through it all.

"Ruby, so nice to see you again!" Velvet said.

"Velvet, it's so nice to see you!"

"I know. Your cubicle is on the fifth floor, which has a very nice view, and then the workshop is downstairs in the basement. It's pretty big. Want to go see it?"


We headed down the stairs, since the elevator did not reach the basement, only the lobby. There, Velvet showed me all the hard working people putting together their latest product.

"What are you guys making?"

"A little decive to help manage your things. It's basically like a locator. Say, if I lost this key," Velvet held up a key, "I would attach a magnet onto it and wherever it is in the world, a device, such as my phone, will show me where it's located."

"That's a really cool idea. Who came up with it?"

"One of our co-workers, Coco. She's really amazing when it comes with making products. And I heard your the head this area. Mr. Schnee had sent an email to all of us saying you're going to be the manager of the production staff."

"Yeah. It's a pretty big step for me."

"Don't worry, I can help you through whatever. I heard you had some ideas as well."

"Oh, yes! If the staff can get together in about an hour, I'd love to come down and share my ideas with them."

"No problem. See ya down here, then."

I walked back up the stairs with Velvet and headed to my cubicle. On the fifth floor, Velvet wasn't kidding. The view was amazing. You could see the docks from where I was. I set my folder down and opened it up. There were many things I was going to show them. I spread out the blueprints and revised a couple of things. When I got to the back of my folder, I saw Yang and Tai had slipped in a few photos. One was Yang and I as kids with Uncle Qrow. Another was when Tai and I went to a maker's shop showcase and that was where I made my first 'weapon.' Another was just Yang and I, hanging out with Blake. And finally, the last one was of Yang, my mom, and I. I smiled at all of them and pinned them to the bulletin board. 

Thirty minutes passed by when I grabbed three of the ideas I had come up with and headed back down to the basement. Velvet was there working on the latest product.

"If I could have everybody's attention!"

All the heads turned towards me, "I'd just like to start out with, I'm very happy to be working with a great group of people here. I've heard many things about you that makes you lal so wonderful. I can't wait to start working hands on with what we can create. Now, I do have a few inventions in mind. Here are some blueprints that I will pass around."

I handed the blueprints to Velvet and she took a look at them, then passed it down to the next person. While they were doing that, I was continuing to speak, "The first one I have for you is a car that can be personalized by someone's interest. Say if I bought a car and I wanted flames painted on the side, then I would have to go to a professional painter to get them spray painted on. Which costs money out of my wallet. Why don't we give the options to people while they're buying the car, so that they buy the car that fits their interest. It can all be controlled in the main panel in the car. The design can change with the person. Say I wanted flames one day, then snakes the next. It will take off the design of the flames and replace it with snakes without having to get another paint job."

The majority of people nodded their heads in agreement. So far so good. I was making a good impression on them already. An hour had passed when I had finished up my ideas and hearing people add on.

"Thank you for your time. I would like to discuss this further in a few days."

I kept the blueprints down there and headed back up to my cubicle. I was already having a great day here.

~1 year later~

I walked into work with a few more ideas on paper. The building team had agreed to make the car with the different designs on them. I was excited about that. When I walked in, I saw Weiss was standing there.

"Good morning, Weiss."

"That's Ms. Schnee to you."

"Oh, my apologies. Good morning, Ms. Schnee."

"Thank you for the formal greeting this morning. I hope to be receiving one for the rest of your time here."

"Ok. Did your father place you here for manager?"

"Yes, he did. And I have you know, your ideas now have to be approved by me now, instead of already making them on your own."


"Really. So I suggest you stop your progress on your silly little car idea."

"But we've already got that in production. The team has already made the car. I can't tell them they have to stop and restart the idea so we can get an acutal conformaiton of it. Your father has already confirmed it to be in production. We're going to be announcing it in a few months. We can't let this slip behind our schedule."

"I'm sorry, but ever since I stepped into the position of manager, things have to go my way now."

Weiss turned on her heels and walked away, head held in the air. I sighed and headed down to the workshop. I wasn't going to tell any one of my co-workers the discussion I had with Weiss. They had already made good progress. We can't get behind schedule.

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