Chapter 1

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I picked up my pencil and grabbed some nearby paper. I quickly wrote down a few words before pausing and looking at what I had written. What felt like hours, but really was twenty minutes, I had finished another letter. I quickly read it over before grabbing an envelope and wrote the words: mom.

"Dear Mom,

Hope things are going well. Yang is being successful like you always said she would be. Hope you don't mind that she's dating a girl. She's quite nice. Her name is Blake and she's a Faunus. I know how you said that we should give people a chance, but people in our world look down upon the Faunus. I actually like Blake. She's funny and totally for Yang. Raven is still getting used to see her come around so often. Tai thinks it's a phase and she'll grow out of it. I hope it's not. I think Blake brings out a side we haven't seen in Yang before. It's nice talking to you every now and then. Really miss you mom.



I folded the letter up and sealed it in the envelope. I closed it up and placed in the box with the other letters I had written.

"Hope you can read these from where you are, mom. I'll come by for a visit sometime, maybe with Yang."

I rested my hand on the box when I heard a knock, "Come in."

My dad, Taiyang, had walked with with a cup to tea and a few cubes of sugar, "How you doing this morning, Ruby?"

"Alright, I guess."

"What's wrong? Writing to mom again?"


He set down the tea and sugar. He rested his hand on my shoulder and made me look up at him, "I know your mother wasn't a part of you life for that long. You're close to turning 19 and you've been writing to her for three years. And she passed away four years ago. Don't you think you've done this long enough?"

"No. I find comfort writing to mom and visiting her."

"Yang's coming in today. Maybe you and your sister could go visit her."


He smiled and rubbed my head, messing up my hair a bit, "Really."

He walked out of the room and I quickly changed and drank my tea. It's been at least a few months since our last visit. Yang came through the door with a wide grin on her face.

"Ready to go see mom?"


I got up and bounded after Yang. I climbed into her car as she started it. We drove onto the road and towards the location of my mother's grave. It was far in the woods where I find little to no people there. I once did run into a girl with white hair and a long pony tail. She was all stuck up and snob like when she walked and talked. I didn't find her that appealing appearance and personality wise. Yang parked the car, forcing me out of my thoughts and into reality.

"We're here."

I got out of the car and walked towards the headstone. There was a symbol, which was the exact same as the one on my jacket. I got close enough that I knelt down and rested my hand on the stone.

"Hey, mom. I know I just wrote to you, but I hope everything is going ok. Yang is here with me. I know it's been a while since we last talked to you. She's really happy to be with Blake now. How long have you been together?"

"Over a year now," said Yang. "And we couldn't be happier."

We both sat down and talked to the headstone, wishing that Summer would show a sign to us. After a few hours had passed, we got up and walked around the woods.

"It's really pretty out here," said Yang.

"Yeah, it is."

We kept on walking until I recognized a familiar voice.

"Winter, I'm capable of doing this."

"Father doesn't think you're ready. Besides, you need at least a few more years under your belt before you can take over the company," said Winter.

I walked towards Yang's car, looking at the two sisters. Yang took notice and reacted instantly.

"Hello, Winter!"

"You know her?"

"Yeah. I still work with the Schnee Co. I think they're hiring. I can bring you a form if you'd like to work there."

"What would I even do there?"

"I don't know."

"Yang, it's a pleasure to see you once more. Your work adequate is something my father could never have gotten anywhere else."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what does the Schnee Co. do?"

"Manufacturing. Only a novice would ask a question like that," Weiss said.

"Now now, Weiss. Not everyone knows the Schnee name, like the people in Menagerie. They have their own brand of manufacturing," said Winter.

"But everyone in Vale, Mistral, and Atlas should know our company name."

"Weiss, not everyone gets out much, such as Yang's sister."

"Hey, I get out sometimes. Just not a lot," Ruby said sheepishly.

"See," Weiss said.

"Have sympathy for the young girl, Weiss. Come on, we must continue our walk."

They walked past us and Yang waved goodbye, "See ya later, Winter."

"As always," Winter replied.

I got into the car and Yang drove off. I sat there in silence, looking out the window.

"I think you'd like to work there. You like making your own tools and inventions, don't you?"

"I do, but if I have to work with Weiss, then I wouldn't want to."

"Weiss does work at the Vale base, but Winter is mostly at the Atlas base. That's where I work at. Blake kind of hates the long distance when I go to work, but she doesn't mind that I come and visit her every now and then."

I sighed, "Think you can send me it through email?"


We drove up to the house and we got out. I headed up back to my room and began to think of ideas of what I could possibly do to benefit the Schnee Co.

"I'm heading out, ruby. I'll see you in a couple of weeks."


~1 week~

I received an email from Yang when I was wiriting to mom. I placed my pencil down and opened up my laptop. Pulling up the application, I printed it out and began to fill it out. I had then planned to have an interview with Jacques all the way in Atlas. And Yang was coming home to take me there for that said interview.

~Another week~

I had got everything ready for the interview. I had even packed Cresent Rose for demonstration and if they asked if I had any experience working with building personalized items. 

"Ready, Ruby?" Yang asked.

"I think so."

I ran down the stairs and got into her car. Once Yang got in and drove, I stared out the window.

"Atlas is a far trip."

"It sure is. But once you're there, you don't want to leave."

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