"Alice!" Theoden startled me by coming up behind our horse. "Hopefully you will be able to enjoy the party this time around without a fight breaking out?" He wondered.

"Yes. I will. Well if that thing is gone that possesed me. But yeah, I will have fun and enjoy. I know that we are in a safe zone. And I know that Sam and Frodo might be okay." I told him. 

"Ah yes. How are they?" He inquired.

"Uh, well I haven't spoken to them recently, but they seem to be okay. Well Sam is okay. I think that the Ring is starting to ebb at his mind." I re called the last meeting. 

"I'm sure he'll get over it." Theoden suddenly had a nervous tone in his voice. Unsure whether to trust me or not. 

"Yeah...I'm sure." I shrugged and trotted along through the forest and out of the watery muck. 

During the long ride, people would come and go and talk to me. Pippin was still fuzzy, so I would let him deal with that. Hopefully he would be better when we reached the castle and the pints were being brought out. If he didn't show improvement, then something would be wrong. I bobbed my head as I sang random songs in my head. Some I made up myself, others, I knew them from the back of my mind. My thoughts began to wander and soon they ended up at the thought of; When would I go into labor? I didn't even know how long i had been pregnant because the events after that evening were all just a blur and I couldn't tell a month from a week and a day from an hour! So I could possibly go into labor and or give birth at anytime. I swear, it better not be during the war, because I want to fight in it. They need help and some people look up to me for help and wisdom and invincibility, such as Eomer. I wasn't saying that I was desperatly needed, just I was a known battle figure and I would think that some people would want me on there. I hope. Another thing was that if we lost the war, what would happen to my baby? Would they take it away from me? Would they sell the baby? What would happen?! All this panic was bad for me, so I tried to calm down. I tried to think of the positive. But I remembered the amount of Orcs and Uruk Hai at Helms Deep. There were many and I was astounded by it.

"Ali, what is the matter?" I could hear Merry's voice outside of my subconsious. I snapped back to the present and found Merry. He was sitting behind Aragorn who was looking forward. 

"Oh..Merry...nothing. I was just...thinking. You know." I tried to blow the situation off. 

"Really? You should have seen the look on your face. It seemed in pain. What were you thinking about that cause you pain?" He asked me. 

"Just, the thought of us losing the war. It puts horrible images in my mind. Images that I cannot shake off."

Merry laughed and said, "Lose. It doesn't seem like we will. We have som many good people to protect us, like you!" He smiled. I treasured that innocence and naive sense. That was about to be ditched when we went into battle. All of us would lose that sense of...child like thoughts that everything would be good and death was not messy. I had a feeling that all of us were going to have blood on our hands. 

"Merry, I wouldn't be so naive about that. Things might happen and we might lose. You have to be open minded. Even if the outcomes aren't good." I told him sternly. I didn't want to hide the truth form him any longer. He was going to go into shock when he was out on that battle field. 

I looked at his reaction. It didn't seem so pleasant.

"Oh.." He looked down and seemed to be in deep thought and sincere feeling. Aragorn rode forward.   I felt only a little guilty.  I sighed and hoped that we would reach the castle soon enough. Pippin had woken froem his haze and was now asking me constant questions. 

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now