Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy

Start from the beginning

Hakko said to her and Yukino had several tick marks on her head. Yukino then shouted at Hakko.

"Never mind that!! I want a rematch!! using that dumb mermaid was cheating!!"

"In case if you haven't noticed that dumb mermaid is Aquarius and another thing, it was your big mouth that got into trouble and secondly, if I were you I'd be more worried about her."

Hakko said as she pointed at me while I was glaring at her. Yukino looked over her shoulder and she said to me.

"Oh great, it's you."

"Well hello to you as well, little sister, did you have a nice time with the old man? good because YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT BIG TIME!!"

I yelled as I whacked Yukino over the head with my fist. Yukino clutched her head in pain and she shouted.

"OW!! that friggin hurt!!"

"Good because it was supposed to hurt! what the hell were you thinking?! what made you decide to follow the one man who is supposed to be our worst enemy?!"

"Because he was trying to bring back the Tamers and he was going avenge our fallen brothers and sisters by killing the Dragon King! I was glad enough to assist him even if that meant fighting against my stupid bimbo sister!!"

I collided my forehead with Yukino's head and I shouted.

"That man is a psychopath and who do you think you're calling a bimbo?! you little runt!!"

"Who else other than you, jerk!!"

"Stupid brat!!"

"Old bat!!"


While the Mitsui sisters were fighting and bickering the others were commenting on how stupid they were right now.

Kagura: "Wow...I've heard of the term squabble sisters but that's ridiculous."

Elias: "Tell me about it, they're so childish."

Hakko: "You're one to talk Elias, how long have you and Luca bickered like that?"

Elias: "Yeah, well, at least we're not as bad as those two."

Klaus: "*Shakes his head in annoyance* oh brother...are they always like this?"

Sora: "Worse, much worse."

Vincent: "Oh for goodness sake, WILL YOU TWO PACK IT IN?!!"

Keira and Yukino stopped fighting when Vincent yelled at them. Vincent sighed annoyingly and he then said the sisters.

"Honestly, listen to yourselves, you're being childish and you're embarrassing yourselves in front of Headmaster Randolph."

"She started it."

"Did not!"

Yukino shouted at Keira and then Randolph at the sisters.

"Energetic aren't you?"

Yukino looked away from the Headmaster in a huff.


"I'm sorry about her behaviour Headmaster, unfortunately, she's picked up one or two of my bad habits well, maybe my Father's bad habits as well."

"I can hear you I'm sitting right here!!"

Yukino shouted angrily.

"You were meant to!!"

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