Part 58

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Lizzie's PoV
It was the next day and I had little to none sleep. All I could think about was who this freak who had kidnapped me was. I racked my brain for anything, but found nothing. I had started to become weary from my lack of sleep and soon passed out.

While Lizzie was unconscious the kidnapper waltzed into her room and sat on a broken chair, watching her. He noted down how she slept and special features like: the hair colour brand she uses is Artic Fox, the majority of her clothes are from New Look, ext. This man was truly a freak, how he knew Lizzie's hair brand from the receipt in her handbag, when he was snooping in her belongings. Soon Lizzie began to stir and the man hurriedly left, forgetting to take Lizzie's bag with him. He drove off to a pub and was to return in many hours.

I eventually woke up in the same grim smelling room, with its one broken light and springless bed. I looked around and spotted something in the corner of my eye, my bag! I hurriedly rushed to It not knowing how long until the creepy man returned. I grabbed my phone, my hands shaking, and rang Joel. The suspense was killing me, he had to answer! Suddenly I heard a relieved voice...

J-lizzie, I I have so much to tell you where are you oh I miss you loads, lizzie?
L- Joel I don't have much time. While I was walking home I was kidnapped by a Middle Aged man around 5'9, btw write this all down. He brought me to what seems to me a abandoned house and gives me horrid food twice a day. He's gone out now but left my bag in here. Please come and find me I love you...

The line cut off as Lizzie's Phone was thrust from her hand. "HOW DARE YOU!" The man screamed at lizzie and punched her in the stomach. She screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. The man hit her more and more, moving up to her face. He made many large bruises all over her and kicked her a few times, hard. The more she cried, the Harder he hit. Lizzie was no longer scared of the man, she was terrified. He eventually stopped and left her bawling her eyes out. He felt no remorse for her, just anger.

Joels PoV
After I had received Lizzie's phone call I ran to my car making sure I had everything written down. I drove as fast as I could, not going over the speed limit, to the police station. There was a elderly lady Infront of me, reporting her cat missing. "Oh poor Tiddles" she said in a worried voice, "it's getting cold now you know, he can't be out there on his own". She eventually left and i calmly told the officer my story. He believed me most likely from the extremely worried expression on my face. He also told me he had made it there top file and would send it to be investigated by Scotland Yard* seeing as it was a crucial case. I was relived but still worried. The days Lizzie was gone were rapidly growing and soon I'd have to tell the gang the truth, Lizzie had been kidnapped and there were no leads to help find her- not yet anyway.

* Scotland Yard is a place in London. It's where there are loads of detectives (the best ones) who solve cases. That's my best way of explaining it 😂

Jemma's PoV
It had been a while since pink- haired freak had come to school, don't get me wrong I love it but some things aren't adding up. She supposedly has a virus but it's nearly been 3 weeks since she's been gone. Everyday Joel Looks more and more distressed and tired. He's on the phone a lot and seems tense when he's talking to whoever's on the other line, like he's waiting for something important. I'm honestly worried for his mental health. But the weirdest thing is, Lizzie's friends don't seem to know anything about it. They seem worried about Joel but not the slightest bit concerned about lizzie. Like everyone else they seem to be buying she's ill. But soon enough people won't buy it and will be asking what really happened and the truth will have to come out- it always does.

Hope you guys enjoyed this super long update. Please leave suggestions of what to do and who do you think Lizzie's kidnapper is? I've lately been reading MerDer fanfics aka greys anatomy fanfics and wowie they are good. Hope you enjoyed -I🥀
P.S we have over 5k reads wuttttt! Tygsm i honestly didn't believe this fanfic would come so far WOWWWLWOOWWKLWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWWO ❤️❤️❤️

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