Part 2

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Joel's POV
As I walked of the cramped bus I noticed the adorable pink-haired girl, who I bumped into earlier, again. She was the most beautiful and cute girl I had ever seen but I'm sure she doesn't feel the same way. Anyways I don't even know her name. Being new was hard. I knew nobody and had no idea where anything was. I heard a bell and walked around, lost. Then a boy around my age walked up to me and said: "Hey I'm guessing your new, I'm Callum by the way". I nodded. "You lost?" He asked. "Omg how can you notice!" I joked, "I'm Joel by the way". He laughed and asked me who my form tutor was so I showed him my timetable and luckily we had the same tutor. He told me to hurry as we would be late. "Miss Mena isn't too bad" he told me. Ok I said as we Walked in.


Lizzie's POV
I saw the cute guy from the bus again, this time with Callum and Oli. I was so eager to find out his name so i walked over to them. "Hey guys!" I announced. "Wadd up shadow lady" Oli joked around. "Hey liz" said Callum. The boy from the bus smiled at me. HE FREAKING SMILED AT ME. I blushed a little to much and Callum and Oli noticed. Before they could open their mouths i glared at them and it seemed to kept them quiet. "I don't think we've met properly, I'm Joel" the bus boy said. "Hey I'm Lizzie, are u new?" I asked Joel. He nodded, "wanna hang with us for the day?" I asked. "Sure!" He replied, "sounds great". I told him we'd introduce him (a/n and you guys) to the rest of the squad. He nodded and we went and sat at our usual table...

Jizzie| love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now