Part 45

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Joel's PoV
I was pacing the room, praying for lizzie to wake up. I had Lana Del Rey's new song "Love" quietly on in the background and all I could I could think of was mine and Lizzie's romantic relationship. What would happen when she woke up? Would she remember everything? Would she still love me? Would she ever wake up?... I couldn't imagine life without lizzie.

Lizzie's PoV
I woke up panting. I had had a terrible dream about Jemma bashing my head against a table. Then I felt a lump on my head and realised, it was real. I suddenly realised I was at Joel's and he rushed over to me. He went to kiss me and then hesitated and said, "can I kiss u?", "of course!" I replied. Our lips touched and instantly I felt a spark.
J- u remember everything
L- I do now I was so stupid to be tricked by Jemma
J- true haha
L- I've missed u babe
J- same *kisses

I then felt guilty realising i had sorta kissed Jemma's brother: Andrew. I had to keep that to myself it would really hurt Joel.

But would it hurt more if he heard it from someone else?...

A/n I'm so grateful for the amazing: comments, ideas and support I have received from everyone. I never expected my story to be so popular. Here are some shoutouts...

GloomyDusk - best bezzo ever!
Syd_is_cute - amazing ideas
danicatthephilsco - has written a amazing fanfic

ThAnks for le support and everything! <3

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